*This was just my attempt at learning some datamining. I wrote it to gather text data to train NLP algorithms.
- you need to get the API key from Google API console in order to use this script, you can get it here:
https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credential - go to https://console.developers.google.com/apis/library/youtube.googleapis.com and click on 'enable' button if it appears
- the comments are downloaded from each video on url list file, each url should be in new line (see url_list.txt file)
- it can filter comments based on amount of likes.
- the output is single txt file.
- all non ascii characters are replaced with '?'
yt-comment-scraper.py [--key KEY] [--likes LIKES] [--input INPUT]
[--output OUTPUT] [--help]
Download youtube comments from many videos into txt file
required arguments:
--key KEY, -k KEY Required API key you can get here:
optional arguments:
--likes LIKES, -l LIKES
The amount of likes a comment needs to be saved
--input INPUT, -i INPUT
URL list file name
--output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
Output file name
--help, -h Help