FacebookFramework is a Simple and Lightweight framework for Cocoa (OS X, MacOSX) to easily access Facebook's API.
Create your Facebook app
- Go to your Facebook application page.
- Select your application in the left-hand column (if you have more than one application) and select Edit App.
- Note: In section 3 you should use App ID and App Secret
Build FacebookFramework.framework
- Open "FacebookFramework.xcodeproj" and "Build for Archiving" in the Product -> Build menu. This should build both the Debug and Release version. If it does not, check your Build Schemes in Product -> Edit Scheme… Select Build configuration Release
- Select "FacebookFramework.framework" in the Finder. It should be in the "Release" folder; you probably don't want to embed the Debug version.
- Drag it to your "Frameworks" folder in your Project list and add it to the appropriate target. If you want you can select "Copy items into destination group's folder"
- In your appropriate target, under "Build Settings", select "Runpath Search Paths" in the "Linking" category, and enter "@loader_path/../Frameworks" (without the quotes). This step is essential for linking, as the Framework is built with a "@rpath" search path, which will be replaced at runtime by your application.
- In your appropriate target, add a "Copy" build phase. For adding build phase you should select "Editor" menu of xcode and select "Add Build Phase->Add Copy Files Build Phase". Set its destination to "Frameworks".
- Drag "FacebookFramework.framework" to this Copy build phase to ensure it is embedded in your application.
- Verify that you can build and run your application and there are no linker or runtime errors.
Prepare to use FacebookFramework.framework
- Import <FacebookFramework/FacebookFramework.h> where appropriate.
- Create a new property
and set yourself as the delegate:self.facebook = [[Facebook alloc] initWithAppID:APP_ID appSecret:APP_SECRET delegate:self];
- Implement the FacebookDelegate protocol:
- (void) fbAuthWindowWillShow: (id) sender;
Request an authorization token:
- Just list the permissions you need in an set, or [NSSet set] if you don't require special permissions.
[self.facebook authenticate:[NSSet setWithObjects: @"read_stream", @"publish_stream", nil] callback:^(NSDictionary *result) { }];
- There is a list of permissions.
- Callback will get called with a dictionary. If `result is not nil, the authorization request was successful.
- If FacebookFramework needs to display some UI (such as the Facebook Authentication dialog), your delegate's
will get called. Take this opportunity to notify the user via a Dock bounce, for instance. - Note: the framework may put up an authorization window from Facebook. Subsequent requests are cached and/or hidden from the user as much as possible.
- Just list the permissions you need in an set, or [NSSet set] if you don't require special permissions.
Make API requests
- You do not need to provide the URL or authorization token, FacebookFramework takes care of that:
[self.facebook sendRequest:@"me/friends" params:NSDictionary_params usePostRequest:POST_OR_GET withCompletionBlock:^(NSDictionary *result) { }];
- You do not need to provide the URL or authorization token, FacebookFramework takes care of that: