Telegram bot with full control over your ai-necklace, what can improve your life better? Try yourself –
Have your ever imagined that you can manage all the conversations around you in your favorite messenger? With OmiTelebot this becomes possible!
Receive your memories in telegram. Receive summary of your business conversations just in telegram. Recap and share with friends your insights! Download the full version of conversation if needed
Day summary. Get texted by bot about your results of the day
Capture voice message or dictate the text just in your necklace. Type /voice command to the bot, dictate a message and receive it to telegram!
Recap geo-positions of your talks. Check out positions of your talks on the map
- Create .env file with the content shown in .env.example file
- Fill env variables
- Launch bot with
docker-compose up bot
- Launch bot with
docker-compose up api_server
- Collect strings with
docker-compose up collect_strings
- Compile strings with
docker-compose up compile_strings
Memories | Integration guide |