Releases: askrejans/G86-info
0.5.0 MQTT timers
MQTT timer data push added as well - timer statuses are published to MQTT topic
Full Changelog: 0.4.1...0.5.0
Full Changelog: 0.4.0...0.4.1
0.4.0 Racing timers
Added racing timers on secondary display with button controls as RTOS tasks.
Full Changelog: 0.3.2...0.4.0
0.3.2 Refactoring
Full Changelog: 0.3.1...0.3.2
0.3.1 Secondary display
Added ECU/GPS display functionality to secondary 8 digit 7-segment display
Full Changelog: 0.3.0...0.3.1
0.3.0 Migrated to PlatformIO
Migrated code from Arduino ino fo PlatformIO build config, added tests. Still using Arduino.h and libs. Test implementation of secondary 8 digit 7 segment display.
Full Changelog: 0.2.0...0.3.0
0.2.0 ECU done + refactor
Mayor refactoring release + configured ECU params as they are set in MQTT from speeduino-to-mqtt soft
Full Changelog: 0.1.0...0.2.0
Initial working release
Compiles, runs on screen successfully. Menu for ECU/GPS implemented and tested with dynamic data. Initial guesses about required MQTT variables, may and will change later.