Command-line status update system
// A new manager. Nothing happens yet.
const cm = new StatusManager();
// Start the status area, though still nothing is printed
// Update items by keys that you invent. As you add unique ones, they are added
// and console space is allocated without overwriting existing console messages.
cm.update(2, "my status")
// Logging still works -- gets "prepended" before the status area
console.log("This doesn't overwrite anything.")
// Adjust how often the screen refreshes (status updates are batched)
cm.screenRefreshRateMs = 250
// Stop the status area; subsequent logging goes under it
npm run build
Unit tests:
npm run test
Unit tests, refreshed live:
npm run watch
Prepare for release (e.g. run tests and bump version number):
npm run release
Publish to npm:
npm publish