After having participated in several web projects with Spring, I feel like I have a template that I kind of always follow for building all endpoints. This is even stronger if we are in that early phase of the project. I will leave Some examples here:
My current flow is:
- I create a class that represents the form that will be filled
- In this class, which I like to call Form, I usually declare a method called `` `toModel```.
- I implement toModel by returning a new instance of the domain object as a function of the form itself.
- It may be that my form has ids from other objects. I do the simplest think I can, I get the repository as argument from toModel and load the referring object inside.
- ToModel may need an extra application object, such as a logged in user. I get as argument too
- I get injected Spring Data JPA repository for domain object in controller
- Also gets the other Spring managed dependencies that toModel needs
- I may or may not receive the Repository regarding toModel depictions (this sucks and generates distraction in the class)
- I call save
- I create a class that represents that dataset. I usually put a DTO suffix and that's it
- I receive the domain object that contains the information I need as constructor parameter I invoke the public methods of the domain object and populate the attributes of the DTO
- Occasionally I need to use formatters of date, money etc.
- I often need to generate collections of that DTO as a result of the domain object collection. There I go (). map (...)
After doing this many times, I started to find myself kind of like a robot. I could program these endpoints
even when I was distracted. I even talked with a friend of mine, Mauricio Aniche, to think about a possibility to create a
programming language for web development. I mean, this language would have the reserved word `Controller```,
`Form``` and various facilities for our daily lives.
As I have no competence at this time to create a language, I decided to create a mini lib in order to facilitate some of these tasks.
public class DataViewTest {
public void objectMustHaveEmptyConstructor() {
() -> DataView.of(new WithoutEmptyConstructorObject("")));
public void methodShouldStartWithGetOrIs() {
() -> DataView.of(new Team("")).add(Team :: someMethod));
public void shouldExportSimpleProperties() {
Team team = new Team("bla");
Map<String, Object> result = DataView.of(team).add(Team::getName).add(Team :: getProperty2).build();
Assertions.assertEquals("bla", result.get("name"));
Assertions.assertEquals("ble", result.get("property2"));
public void shouldExportPropertiesWithCustomkeys() {
Team team = new Team("bla");
team.setProperty3(LocalDate.of(2019, 1, 1));
Map<String, Object> result = DataView.of(team)
.add(Team :: getProperty2)
.addDate("date",t -> (TemporalAccessor)t.getProperty3(), "dd/MM/yyyy")
Assertions.assertEquals("bla", result.get("name"));
Assertions.assertEquals("ble", result.get("property2"));
Assertions.assertEquals("01/01/2019", result.get("date"));
public void shouldExportMappedProperties() {
Team team = new Team("bla");
ComplexProperty complexProperty = new ComplexProperty();
Map<String, Object> result = DataView.of(team)
.add(Team :: getProperty2)
.add("custom", t -> (ComplexProperty)t.getProperty3(), ComplexPropertyDTO :: new)
Assertions.assertEquals("bla", result.get("name"));
Assertions.assertEquals("ble", result.get("property2"));
Assertions.assertEquals("opa", ((ComplexPropertyDTO)result.get("custom")).getProperty1());
public void shouldExportMappedCollectionProperties() {
Team team = new Team("bla");
ComplexProperty complexProperty = new ComplexProperty();
Map<String, Object> result = DataView.of(team)
.add(Team :: getProperty2)
.addCollection("custom", Team :: getProperty4,ComplexPropertyDTO :: new)
Assertions.assertEquals("bla", result.get("name"));
Assertions.assertEquals("ble", result.get("property2"));
Assertions.assertEquals("opa", ((List<ComplexPropertyDTO>)result.get("custom")).get(0).getProperty1());
Saving an object using a form that follows my development template. Just to remember, this form has the toModel
public class FormFlowTest {
public void shouldSaveFormSync() {
TeamFormTest form = new TeamFormTest();
form.setName("test"); -> {
//do what you need
public void shouldSaveFormSyncWithExtraArgs() {
TeamFormTest form = new TeamFormTest();
form.setName("test");,new CustomObject()).andThen(team -> {
//do what you need
public void shouldSaveFormAsync() {
TeamFormTest form = new TeamFormTest();
form.setName("test"); -> {
//do what you need
public class ImmutableReferenceTest {
public void shouldNotAllowSetterForImmutableReference() {
ComplexProperty complex = new ComplexProperty();
ComplexProperty immutable = ImmutableReference.of(complex);
Assertions.assertThrows(IllegalAccessException.class, () -> immutable.setProperty1("change"));
public void shouldNotAllowMutableAnnnotatedMethodForImmutableReference() {
ComplexProperty complex = new ComplexProperty();
ComplexProperty immutable = ImmutableReference.of(complex);
Assertions.assertThrows(IllegalAccessException.class, () -> immutable.changeProperty());
public void shouldBuildCollectionWithImmutableObjects() {
ComplexProperty complex = new ComplexProperty();
Collection<ComplexProperty> list = ImmutableReference.of(Arrays.asList(complex));
Assertions.assertThrows(IllegalAccessException.class, () -> list.iterator().next().changeProperty());
public class ExecutePreconditionsTest {
void shouldAddBeanValidationAnnotationAtConstructor() throws Exception {
() -> Preconditions.newInstance(UnprotectedEntity.class, ""));
void shouldValidateAnnotatedConstructorArgs() throws Exception {
() -> Preconditions.newInstance(ProtectedEntity.class, ""));
void shouldCreateValidAnnotatedConstructorArgs() throws Exception {
ProtectedEntity instance = Preconditions.newInstance(ProtectedEntity.class, "bla bla");
Assertions.assertEquals("bla bla", instance.getName());
void shouldValidateAnnotatedMethodArgs() throws Exception {
ProtectedEntity instance = Preconditions.newInstance(ProtectedEntity.class, "bla bla");
Assertions.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> instance.logic(0));
void shouldExecuteMethodWithValidArgs() throws Exception {
ProtectedEntity instance = Preconditions.newInstance(ProtectedEntity.class, "bla bla");
Assertions.assertEquals(2, instance.getValue());
void shouldNotCreateProtectedInstanceWithoutEmptyConstructors() throws Exception {
() -> Preconditions.newInstance(ProtectedEntityWithoutEmptyConstructor.class, "bla bla"));
public class UnprotectedEntity {
public UnprotectedEntity(String name) {
public class ProtectedEntity {
private @NotBlank String name;
private @Min(1) Integer value;
public ProtectedEntity() {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public ProtectedEntity(@NotBlank String name) { = name;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void logic(@Min(1) Integer value) {
this.value = value;
public Integer getValue() {
return value;
You can find more examples in the test code. I also tried to leave javadoc everywhere, all aiming to facilitate the use of lib. We'll see :).
If you enjoyed and would like to collaborate, talk to me on
- Clone the repository
- Install the project as local dependency on your computer (mvn install from springwebdev folder)
- Add dependency to your project
- If you are going to use DataView, look at the examples :)
- If you are going to use FormFlow, get it injected into your
`@Autowired FormFlow <SomeName> formFlow
controller and look at the examples.