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aspina7 committed Jun 15, 2020
1 parent d04b41d commit 5f0bd97
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Showing 7 changed files with 689 additions and 10 deletions.
392 changes: 392 additions & 0 deletions improving_healthcare/presentation2.Rmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
title: "Access to healthcare in rural Ethiopia"
author: "Student ID: 670000131"
date: "12/6/2020"
reference_doc: "template.pptx"


```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE,
warning = FALSE,
message = FALSE,
fig.width = 16,
fig.height = 10)
## install and load necessary packages
## Installing required packages for this template
required_packages <- c("knitr", # create output docs
"here", # find your files
"dplyr", # clean/shape data
"rio", # read in data
"ggplot2", # create plots and charts
"patchwork", # combine plots in one
"sf", # encode spatial vector data
"ggspatial", # plot maps
"stars", # deal with rasters
"raster", # for getting admin bounds
"cartography", # getting tiles
"osrm", # for getting isochrones
"colorspace" # for getting useful colour schemes
for (pkg in required_packages) {
# install packages if not already present
if (!pkg %in% rownames(installed.packages())) {
# load packages to this current session
library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
## using osrm with a local map server
## download docker
## you have to enable visualisation in bios as well as make sure it is ticked in control panel
## create a new folder somewhere (e.g. osrm_folder on your desktop)
## manually download a pbf file to that folder from geofabrik
## (nb using wget in powershell does not seem to actually download or save anything)
## in powershell:
## set working directory to that folder
## Set-Location C:\Users\Spina\Desktop\osrm_folder
## follow these steps but skip the bit on wget and change names to your file
## (
## set the location of map server (running on your computer through docker)
options(osrm.server = "http://localhost:5000/")

## Background

```{r intro_map}
###### Read province boundaries from the Global Administrative
## level = 1 specifies provinces
## must be possible to do this as sf directly no? Is available on
provinces <- raster::getData("GADM", country = "ET", level = 2)
## changing GADM to a sf object
provinces <- st_as_sf(provinces) %>%
dplyr::filter(VARNAME_2 == "North Wollo")
###### Read in and clean the population data set
population <- stars::read_stars(here::here("improving_healthcare", "eth_ppp_2020.tif"))
## crop to be the same size as
pop_sub_og <- st_crop(population, provinces)
## make in to data frame
pop_sub <-, xy = TRUE)
## rename so usable
names(pop_sub) <- c("x", "y", "population")
pop_sub$population <- cut(pop_sub$population, breaks = c(1, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150),
include.lowest = TRUE,
labels = c("1-30", "31-60", "61-90", "90-120", "120-150"))
###### Read in the WHO list of health sites if exists or download
if (file.exists(here::here("improving_healthcare", "df_who_sites.rda"))) {
## if file already downloaded then just load it
load(here::here("improving_healthcare", "df_who_sites.rda"))
} else {
## download from afrimapr github page
df_who_sites <- rio::import("")
##### Clean up the health facilities
## only keep those in Amhara
clinics <- dplyr::filter(df_who_sites,
Country == "Ethiopia" &
Admin1 == "Amhara" &
! %>%
## make in to a points dataframe
st_as_sf(coords = c("Long", "Lat"),
crs = st_crs(provinces))
## only keep clinics in north wollo
clinics <- clinics %>%
mutate(include = st_intersects(clinics, provinces, sparse = FALSE)) %>%
## drop duplicate entry for lalibela hospital (in wrong place actually)
filter(include & !`Facility name` %in% c("Lalibela Hospital"))
## change naming of health posts to be uniform
clinics <- mutate(clinics,
facility_type = dplyr::if_else(!facility_type_9 %in% c("Hospital", "Health Centre"),
"Health Post", as.character(facility_type_9)))
###### Get map tiles
## define a bounding box for the district
query_bbox <-
st_bbox(c(xmin = 38.5,
xmax = 40,
ymin = 11.4,
ymax = 12),
crs = st_crs("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84"))
## make in to a sf object
query_bbox_sf <- st_as_sfc(query_bbox)
## use the tiles package to download tiles
intro_tiles <- cartography::getTiles(
type = "Esri.NatGeoWorldMap",
zoom = NULL,
crop = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE,
apikey = NA,
cachedir = FALSE,
forceDownload = FALSE
## download grey scale tiles for later because easier to visualise
tiles <- cartography::getTiles(
type = "OpenTopoMap",
zoom = NULL,
crop = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE,
apikey = NA,
cachedir = FALSE,
forceDownload = FALSE
##### define a base plot
base_plot <- ggplot() +
## add in the back ground tiles
ggspatial::layer_spatial(tiles, interpolate = TRUE) +
## limit axes
lims(x = c(38.43, 40.05), y = c(11.32, 12.35)) +
## remove all extras
theme_void(base_size = 24) +
# add a scalebar
ggspatial::annotation_scale(location = "br")
#### plot intro slide map
## add province outline to the base map and two hospitals
ggplot() +
## add in the back ground tiles
ggspatial::layer_spatial(intro_tiles, interpolate = TRUE) +
## limit axes
lims(x = c(38.43, 40.05), y = c(11.32, 12.35)) +
## remove all extras
theme_void(base_size = 24) +
# add a scalebar
ggspatial::annotation_scale(location = "br") +
geom_sf(data = provinces, fill = NA, size = 2) +
geom_sf(data = filter(clinics, facility_type_9 == "Hospital"),
colour = "red", size = 2)
## drop intro tiles, original pop, original who file (takes up memory)



## Aim

- To evaluate the accessibility of health care facilities in North Wollo district
+ Calculate travel times to health care facilities
+ Compare travel times to spatial population density

## Methods

- World Health Organisation geo-referenced list of healthcare facilities
- Population density estimates from World Population database
- Travel times to health facilities using Open Source Routing Machine
- Overlay travel times and population density to visualise areas with poor access
- All analysis done with R statistical software (Version 4.0)

## Results

```{r clinics_pop}
base_plot +
## add in population raster, fill by factor var
geom_raster(data = filter(pop_sub, !,
aes(x = x, y = y, fill = population), alpha = 0.5) +
## choose colours and reverse the order
scale_fill_discrete_sequential("Greens", rev = FALSE) +
## add in points for clinics and colour by type
geom_sf(data = clinics, aes(colour = facility_type), size = 3) +
## choose colour scale
scale_colour_discrete_sequential("OrRd", rev = FALSE) +
## fix legend titles and plot title
labs(fill = "Population / km2", colour = "Facility")


```{r hospital_drive_time}
## set the routing machine to return driving times
options(osrm.profile = "driving")
## Only downloads if hasnt already got file
## get the isochrones for each hospital and store in a list
## isochrones up to 3 hours drive in 45 minute chunks
if (file.exists(here::here("improving_healthcare", "driving.rds"))) {
isos <- readRDS(here::here("improving_healthcare", "driving.rds"))
} else {
## query local map server
isos <- purrr::map(st_geometry(filter(clinics, facility_type_9 == "Hospital")),
function(x) { osrmIsochrone(loc = x,
breaks = seq(from = 0, to = 180, by = 45), res = 50)})
## save list as an rds so dont have to continually query
saveRDS(isos, file = here::here("improving_healthcare", "driving.rds"))
## add in a label for each poly (travel time range)
wtf <- purrr::map(isos, function(x) mutate(x, label = paste(min, max, sep = "-")) %>%
dplyr::select(label, geometry))
## get a the travel time groupings for labelling later
travel_times <- tibble(label = factor(unique(wtf[[1]]$label),
levels = c(unique(wtf[[1]]$label))),
clrs = factor(sequential_hcl(length(label), palette = "OrRd", rev = TRUE),
levels = sequential_hcl(length(label), palette = "OrRd", rev = TRUE))
## combine them together in to one
wtf <- = rbind, wtf)
## combine, remove internal lines and crop to base_plot
wtf <- purrr::map(unique(wtf$label),
function(x) {
intermed <- st_union(filter(wtf, label == x))
intermed <- sfheaders::sf_remove_holes(intermed)
intermed <- st_crop(intermed, provinces)
## plot tiles
base_plot +
## plot population
geom_raster(data = filter(pop_sub, !,
aes(x = x, y = y), fill = "blue", alpha = 0.5) +
geom_sf(data = wtf[[4]], aes(fill = travel_times$clrs[4]), alpha = 0.5, col = NA) +
geom_sf(data = wtf[[3]], aes(fill = travel_times$clrs[3]), alpha = 0.5, col = NA) +
geom_sf(data = wtf[[2]], aes(fill = travel_times$clrs[2]), alpha = 0.5, col = NA) +
geom_sf(data = wtf[[1]], aes(fill = travel_times$clrs[1]), alpha = 0.5, col = NA) +
labels = rev(travel_times$label),
guide = "legend") +
labs(fill = "Travel time (mins)")


```{r hospital_walk_time}
## set the routing machine to return walking times
options(osrm.profile = "walk")
## Only downloads if hasnt already got file
## get the isochrones for each hospital and store in a list
## isochrones up to 5 hours drive in 60 minute chunks
if (file.exists(here::here("improving_healthcare", "walking.rds"))) {
isos <- readRDS(here::here("improving_healthcare", "walking.rds"))
} else {
## query local map server
isos <- purrr::map(st_geometry(filter(clinics, facility_type_9 == "Hospital")),
function(x) { osrmIsochrone(loc = x,
breaks = seq(from = 0, to = 300, by = 60), res = 50)})
## save list as an rds so dont have to continually query
saveRDS(isos, file = here::here("improving_healthcare", "walking.rds"))
## add in a label for each poly (travel time range)
wtf <- purrr::map(isos, function(x) mutate(x, label = paste(min, max, sep = "-")) %>%
dplyr::select(label, geometry))
## get a the travel time groupings for labelling later
travel_times <- tibble(label = factor(unique(wtf[[1]]$label),
levels = c(unique(wtf[[1]]$label))),
clrs = factor(sequential_hcl(length(label), palette = "OrRd", rev = TRUE),
levels = sequential_hcl(length(label), palette = "OrRd", rev = TRUE))
## combine them together in to one
wtf <- = rbind, wtf)
## combine, remove internal lines and crop to base_plot
wtf <- purrr::map(unique(wtf$label),
function(x) {
intermed <- st_union(filter(wtf, label == x))
# intermed <- sfheaders::sf_remove_holes(intermed)
intermed <- st_crop(intermed, provinces)
## plot tiles
base_plot +
## plot population
geom_raster(data = filter(pop_sub, !,
aes(x = x, y = y), fill = "blue", alpha = 0.5) +
geom_sf(data = wtf[[4]], aes(fill = travel_times$clrs[5]), alpha = 0.5, col = NA) +
geom_sf(data = wtf[[4]], aes(fill = travel_times$clrs[4]), alpha = 0.5, col = NA) +
geom_sf(data = wtf[[3]], aes(fill = travel_times$clrs[3]), alpha = 0.5, col = NA) +
geom_sf(data = wtf[[2]], aes(fill = travel_times$clrs[2]), alpha = 0.5, col = NA) +
geom_sf(data = wtf[[1]], aes(fill = travel_times$clrs[1]), alpha = 0.5, col = NA) +
labels = rev(travel_times$label),
guide = "legend") +
labs(fill = "Travel time (mins)")

## Discussion

- Limitations
+ Walking paths
+ Rainy season
+ Accuracy of locations

- Identify locations that need better access
+ Planning new infrastructure
+ Mobile clinics

- Further studies
+ Surveys of access and health care utilisation
+ Capture re-capture studies for accuracy of locations

## References
Binary file added improving_healthcare/presentation2.pptx
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added improving_healthcare/template.pptx
Binary file not shown.

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