Docker volume backup of files to S3 and other cloud storages
Base on but with some improviments:
- Use Rclone which makes possible to backup to other cloud providers like dropbox and other S3 compatible storages. So is not coupled with Amazon
- Based on Alpine Linux image, which makes the image very small
You have a container running with one or more volumes:
$ docker run -d --name mysql tutum/mysql
From executing a $ docker inspect mysql
we see that this container has two volumes:
"Volumes": {
"/etc/mysql": {},
"/var/lib/mysql": {}
Launch volume-backup
container with the following flags:
$ docker run --rm \
--env-file env.txt \
--volumes-from mysql \
--name backup atende/volume-backup:latest
The contents of env.txt
PATHS_TO_BACKUP=/etc/mysql /var/lib/mysql
will create a rconfig file with all RCONF_XX variables as name value par
For example, the variable RCONF_TYPE=s3 is transformed to type = s3 and added to the file. Check for all options
You can also mount the .rclone.conf file in the /root volume and ignore the RCONF_ env variables:
docker run --rm \
-v $(pwd)/root \
--volumes-from mysql \
-e BACKUP_NAME=mysql -e
-e PATHS_TO_BACKUP=/etc/mysql /var/lib/mysql
--name backup atende/volume-backup:latest
RESTORE is false by default
The command above will mount your current directory to the /root directory of the container, you must create the .rclone.conf file and still need the other env variables
Rclone has a command line that helps you in the creation of the file to all its providers: rclone config
To restore your data simply set the RESTORE
environment variable to true
- this will restore the latest backup from your storage to your volume.
The BUCKET_NAME is used to create the rcopy command for example a BUCKET_NAME=folder and BACKUP_NAME=temp will create the command:
rclone copy --no-traverse temp.2016-11-27-10-50.tar.gz backup:folder
If folder doesn't exist it will be created.
It will have different semantics in different storages. In S3 this is a bucket name, in other could be just a folder.
For the sake of completeness, restore command is:
rclone copy backup:$BUCKET_NAME/$LAST_BACKUP /