To run this app locally you must have node.js , mongodb installed on your pc.
You must use chrome browser and create an account on metamask , sepolia testnet - (installation link)
If you do not want to use mongodb locally , you can also use MongoDB atlas to run the project on cloud.
If not then you can also use Docker to run this project , but for that you must have Docker Desktop installed on your pc.
In addition to this if you want to test the webhooks , install ngrok to test locally , or deploy it to render.
Also to setup the app locally - use command git clone url locally and setup the .env file by taking reference of .env.example (dummy env) file in codebase.
You can find the links to do the following process below-
- Node.js
- MongoDB
- Atlas setup
- -docker desktop setup
- - reder deployment
- create a new project on alchemy and generate api keys -
- webhook setup on alchemy - While creating webhooks , make sure to use sepolia testnet and create it using address activity tab
- To setup the telegram bot , you can use the following links-
- Get the chat id -
use the following commands in your terminal and run docker desktop simultaneously
- docker build -t your_dockerhub_username/nodejs-image-demo .
- docker images
- docker run --name nodejs-image-demo -p 4000:4000 -d your_dockerhub_username/nodejs-image-demo
- docker ps
- docker logs container id
- cd into the directory
- open terminal
- npm install
- node server.js (follow this link)