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Provides a service to show alerts, confirmations, and choices in react apps.


npm install react-confirm-service

Basic Usage

First you start by using the ConfirmComponentHost in your application:

import { ConfirmComponentHost } from "react-confirm-service";


        renderAlert={props => (
        renderConfirm={props => (
                {/* render content, buttons, ... */}
        renderChoice={props => {
            const options = => (
                    onClick={() => props.onConfirm(option)}

            return (
                        <button onClick={props.onCancel}>Cancel</button>

The implementation depends on the UI components you want to use to show alerts, confirmation, and choice dialogs.

After that, you can use the ConfirmService anywhere in your application:

import { ConfirmService } from "react-confirm-service";


ConfirmService.alert("Something happened", "info");


    message: "Close without saving?"
    .then(/* Yes */)
    .catch(/* No */);


    title: "Fruits",
    options: [
        { key: "Bananas" },
        { key: "Apples" },
        { key: "Pineapples" },
    .then(choice => /* ... */)
    .catch(/* cancelled */)

How to use the ConfirmComponentHost

The ConfirmComponentHost accepts the following props:

Property Required Description
renderAlert yes Provide a function which renders the alert component. See renderAlert
renderConfirm yes Provide a function which renders the confirmation component. See renderConfirm
renderChoice no Provide a function which renders the choice component. See renderChoice
strings no Takes an object to provide default values for yes, no, and cancel button captions. Use this to localize these texts.
alertDurations no You can provide an object to set the durations of an alert for each severity in ms. The defaults are: info: 3000, success: 3000, warning: 10000, error: 10000.

You can use the ConfirmComponentHost in multiple places in your application. The ConfirmService will use the last one which was mounted.


renderAlert is a function with one parameter of type AlertRenderProps:

Property Description
isVisible Alert is shown or not.
message The message to display to the user.
duration How long should the message be displayed, in ms.
severity The severity of the alert. Use different icons and/or colors.
onClose Call this function when the alert should close.


renderConfirm is a function with one parameter of type ConfirmRenderProps:

Property Description
isOpen Is the confirmation dialog opened?
title The optional title of the confirmation.
message The message of the confirmation.
confirmCaption The caption of the button to accept the confirmation.
onConfirm Call this function when the button to accept is pressed.
denyCaption The caption of the button to deny the confirmation. Do not display this button if the caption is an empty string ("").
onDeny Call this function when the button to deny is pressed.


renderChoice is a function with one parameter of type ChoiceRenderProps:

Property Description
isOpen Is the choice dialog opened?
title The optional title of the choice.
options The list of selectable options to show.
type The optional type of the options to distinguish when rendering.
cancelCaption The caption of the action to cancel the choice.
onConfirm Call this function when a choice is selected.
onCancel Call this function when the choice is cancelled.
extra Optional custom data.

How to use the ConfirmService


To show an alert to the user, call the alert function. It has the following parameters:

Parameter Required Description
message yes The message to display.
severityOrOptions yes The severity of the alert or an options object.


To show a confirmation to the user, use the confirm function. It takes one options parameter:

Property Required Description
title no The title of the confirmation.
message yes The message of the confirmation.
yes no The caption of the button to accept. If not provided the yes property of strings is used. The default is "Yes".
no no The caption of the button to deny. If not provided the no property of strings is used. The default is "No". If you pass null, the button is not displayed.

This function returns a Promise. It will be resolved if the confirmation is accepted and rejected if the confirmation is denied.


To show a choice to the user, use the choose function. It takes one options parameter:

Property Required Description
title no The title of the choice.
options yes The possible choices.
type no The optional type of the options to distinguish when rendering.
cancelCaption no The caption of the cancel action. If not provided the cancel property of strings is used. The default is "Cancel".
extra no Optional custom data.

This function returns a Promise. It will be resolved with the selected option and rejected if the choice is cancelled.

The choose function is a generic function. So you can provide a custom type for your options. The generic parameter is optional.

Your custom type must have a key property of type string | number.

interface CustomOption {
    key: string | number,
    data: MyData,

    options: [
        { key: "1", data: myData1 },
        { key: "2", data: myData2 },
        { key: "3", data: myData3 }


Service to show alerts and confirmations in react apps







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