All scripts found in this repo are open-sources. It means you can modify and use it as you wish.
A mention of the contributors is however welcomed in every use you do of any scripts. All the following modules works with DMD2.065+ (have not been tested with previous versions) and are fully functionnal. They can be used in heavy use and should not cause any problems.
- Console: Useful functions to work with in the console[1]. It is aimed to be cross-platform.
- StringManip: Useful methods used to manipulate strings.
- Lists/dllist: Templated DoublyLinkedList
Contributor(s) (aka extraordinary people):
- Michael Tran (makrattaur) (Implementation of quicksort algorithm on DoublyLinkedList!(T).sort() )
- Alexandre "TryHard" Leblanc, <alex.cs00 [at] mail [dot] com>, <>
Notes: [1] Only Windows is supported at the momentddd