This repository contains a collection of Homebrew (aka, Brew) "formulae" for Atlassian. Brew is a simple package manager for OS X that's based on Git.
Traditionally, Brew packages are managed centrally at To update packages, a package developer has to send pull requests to update their packages to new versions. Recently, however, Brew added a feature called Tap which makes it possible to install packages from remote Git repositories. This Git repository is Atlassian's Homebrew Tap.
First, add this tap to your Brew:
brew tap atlassian/tap
Next, draft from the tap:
brew install atlassian/tap/<formula>
Third, enjoy your new brew.
If you're an Atlassian, go to town -- just make sure you follow the Formula Cookbook.
You can raise bugs and feature requests for the Atlassian SDK (including the homebrew tap) at
The documentation for developing add-ons using the Atlassian Plugin SDK can be found at