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Yahoo Weather

attack edited this page Feb 10, 2013 · 1 revision

Yahoo! Weather


  • key required: NO
  • registration required: NO
  • supported countries: US (by zipcode), International (by Yahoo Location ID)

Performs Geocoding

  • city: YES
  • coordinates: YES

Time Info

  • sun rise/set: YES (today only)
  • provides timezone: PARTIAL (just short code)
  • requires TZInfo: NO


Possible queries:

where query can be:

  • zipcode (US Only)
  • Yahoo! Location ID (actually id)(International)
  • Yahoo! Where on Earth ID (WOEID)(International)

Yahoo! terms of use

The feeds are provided free of charge for use by individuals and non-profit organizations for personal, non-commercial uses. We ask that you provide attribution to Yahoo! Weather in connection with your use of the feeds. If you provide this attribution in text, please use: "Yahoo! Weather." If you provide this attribution with a graphic, please use the Yahoo! Weather logo that we have included in the feed itself. We reserve all rights in and to the Yahoo! Weather logo, and your right to use the Yahoo! Weather logo is limited to providing attribution in connection with these RSS feeds. Yahoo! also reserves the right to require you to cease distributing these feeds at any time for any reason.


  • the Yahoo! Location ID is a propreitary number (shared with
  • the Yahoo! WOEID is only used by Yahoo!, and is a 32-bit number. Unfortunately this number confilcts with US Zipcodes (ie the zipcode=90210 and the WOEID=90210 cannot be destinguished and do not mean the same thing). To solve this, any 5 digit number will be dtected as a ZIPCODE. To have a 5 digit query be detected as a WOEID, prepend it with a 'w' (ie: w90210).
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