Software resources for audiobook management. Especially Audible-centric, including organization and removing DRM from Audible files
- Plex & Booksonic Audiobook Guide. Put your audiobooks in Plex then use Prologue or BookCamp to stream your whole library. You can even share with your friends and family
- Manage your own Audible library
Interfaces for internal Audible API
- written in Crystal
- written in Python
- written in C#
- Libation: audible audiobook manager. Download, decrypt, organize, search, and tag. Open-source. Windows only
- inAudible: remove Audible DRM, edit files, and convert files. Installers available
- AAX Audio Converter: Convert Audible aax files to mp3 and m4a
- OpenAudible: cross-platform audible audiobook manager ($12 shareware)
- OSAC: Open Source Audible Converter. Convert audible's proprietary AAX audio files to MP3, AAC/M4B, or FLAC
- AAXtoMP3: Convert Audible's .aax filetype to MP3, FLAC, M4A, or OPUS
- Audible Statistics Extractor: script to export your Audible library to a spreadsheet
- Audible Special Promo Sale Scraper: generate a list of sale items
Behind the scenes, most if not all resources below use these for their heavy lifting (although they aren't the easiest to use directly)
- FFmpeg: A complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. Includes the ability to use your activation data to strip DRM from .aax files
- audible-activator: Retrieves your activation data (activation_bytes) from Audible servers
- free service which resolves audible activation bytes. Nuget pkg. How to use