[path to jar]/MIPMapReduced.jar [path to mapping task]/mapping_task_simple.xml [path to database config file]/db.properties -db [path to export database config file]/exportdb.properties
[path to jar]/MIPMapReduced.jar [path to mapping task]/mapping_task_simple.xml [path to database config file]/db.properties -csv [path to export folder]
-unpivot [path to csv]/inputCsv.csv [path to database config file]/db.properties nameOfNewColumn [path to selected columns file]/selectedColumns.txt {-i(gnore) or -u(npivot} [path to altered columns file]/alteredColumns.txt
If you choose
the specified columns will be ignored from the unpivot procedure. On the other hand, if you choose-u
the columns will be used for the unpivot procedure -
In the
the columns must specified line by line
-csv_delimeter [path to csv]/inputCsv.csv {";" or ":" or tab} {single or double}
You can choose among three options about the input csv current delimeter
- ";" : If the current csv is separated with semi-colon
- ":" : If the current csv is separated with colon
- tab : If the current csv is separated with tabs
You can choose among three options about the input csv current quote style
- single : If the current csv includes single quotes
- double : If the current csv includes double quotes
-generate_id [path to properties file]/file.properties
Properties file commands
Specify the source input
commandSource={csv | db}
Specify source input path
sourceInputPath= {[path to csv file]/file.csv | [path to database properties file],[name of the table to extract data]
Specify the target input
commandTarget={csv | db}
Specify target input path
targetInputPath= {[path to csv file]/file.csv | [path to database properties file],[name of the table to extract data]}
Names of the target columns
Specify a transformation function to the source columns
If no transformation function is selected the actual data from the source input are used.
If any string value lies inside quotes, every tuple in the specific column have this value.
functionPerColumn=[split(col1,_,0),"constant value",col3]
Output csv file
outputFile=[path to csv file]/file.csv