You might have wondered why Hypnotoad, the Mojolicious application server, does not have an accesslog option. The reason might be, that it is designed to work behing a "real" web server like nginx. In case YMMV, Mojolicious::Plugin::AccessLog is for you.
- A Mojolicious plugin with easy configuration.
- The log format can be specified using Apache-style format strings.
- Logging can be directed to a file, a file handle, a subroutine or an object.
Stable releases are available from the CPAN.
You can use cpanm to install from the command line:
$ cpanm Mojolicious::Plugin::AccessLog
use Mojolicious::Lite;
plugin AccessLog => log => '/var/tmp/myapp-access.log', format => 'combined';
get '/' => {text => 'I ♥ Mojolicious::Plugin::AccessLog!'};
Please look at the manpage.