#Lab Week Plan# Dan, Gus, Joe and Rob
Sign Up
Sign In
Enter a pothole with a title, and town
Ability to upvote a pothole once
See what other users have voted
See a ranked list of potholes in my town in a time range
Display potholes on a map(Advanced)
Enter a pothole location with a map (Advanced)
Categorize Locations for multiple types(Advanced)
Google / Facebook Sign-up (Advanced)
Add Google Analytics to the page (Advanced)
(As a thought if we were looking for alternative theme Road Potholes could be an alternative to potholes, people can register their annoyance to their local road authority)
##User Stories##
As a user In order to have a profile I want to be able to sign up and sign in
As a signed in user In order to recognise my favorite pothole I want to be able to add if it is not already in place
As the client I want users to be able to upvote without the page refreshing So that I have an awesome UX
As a user that is not signed in So I can find awesome potholes I want to be able to view other peoples votes in a time period in my town
As a user So I get an accurate account of users views I want users to be able to make one vote per location a day
##MVP Roadmap##
MVP1 - User can log in, add a pothole in Liversedge. (Mon)
Add 'Hello World' X
sign up (username, email, password, password confirmation) (hash password) X
sign in (password authentication)
sign out
MVP2 - MVP1 + User can place a vote and the page doesn't refresh(Tue)
- signed in user can post pothole (name, location, datetime(problems aticipated))
- potholes diplayed on homepage
- place a vote on the pothole that has been added
MVP3 - MVP2 + potholes are displayed in rank order(Tue)
MVP4a - MVP3 + Add functionality to show pothole votes on a map (Wed)
MVP4b - MVP5 + Display votes in a time period and by town (Wed)
Thurs - Advanced Features
Fri - Polish
Extra Tasks:
- Rake tasks
- Datamapper tests clean db after each
- Buttons on correct pages
- Change tests to get rid of "hello world" text
- Signin unique and are there validations
- Footer stick to bottom only if logged in
- Style posts
- make an ajax call to vote and update page