Health Unit Radar is a tool that provides data via API, such as geolocation and scores, about the Brazilian Basic Health Units (UBS - Unidades Básicas de Saúde, in portuguese).
These data are obtained through csv files published periodically in the Brazilian Open Data Portal.
This simple API Web contains only one route:
GET: api/v1/find_ubs
Through it you must pass the following parameters:
| Parameter | Example | Description |
| query | -23.604936,-46.692999 | Lat/Log for search |
| page | 2 | Current page |
| per_page | 10 | Items per page (default: 10)|
The response will show the items sorted from the nearest UBS to the farthest. Example:
GET: /find_ubs?query=-23.604936,-46.692999&page=1&per_page=1
"basic_health_units": [
"id": 17815,
"city": "Maragogi",
"phone": "Não se aplica",
"geocode": {
"lat": "-8.928816",
"long": "-35.164232"
"scores": {
"size": 2,
"adaptation_for_seniors": 2,
"medical_equipment": 1,
"medicine": 3
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"page": 1,
"per_page": 1,
"total_entries": 37690
As already mentioned, the Brazilian Open Data Portal provides periodically a csv file containing the relevant UBS data.
To import this data, simply place the csv file in the project root and run the following command:
bundle exec rake import:basic_health_units
This project is made using Ruby on Rails 5 and Postgresql 9.5