In your Terminal, run the following command:
curl -L | bash
This will install Octopus CLI in /usr/local/bin
. Depending on the permission of /usr/local/bin
, you may need to provide your sudo password.
If you would like to install to a different location, set the INSTALL_PATH
variable accordingly:
curl -L | INSTALL_PATH=$HOME/bin bash
You can also install a specific version by providing the VERSION
curl -L | VERSION=v0.4.0 bash
Navigate to latest release on the GitHub releases page and expand the Assets list.
Download and run the file octopus_[version]_Windows_x86_64.msi
Note: At this time, the installer is x64 only. If you are using Windows on ARM, download the manual archive instead.
choco install octopus-cli
Note: At this time, the chocolatey package is x64 only. If you are using Windows on ARM, download the manual archive instead.
brew install octopusdeploy/taps/octopus-cli
The Homebrew package has native support for macOS Intel and Apple Silicon
sudo apt update && sudo apt install --no-install-recommends gnupg curl ca-certificates apt-transport-https && \
curl -sSfL | sudo apt-key add - && \
sudo sh -c "echo deb stable main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/" && \
sudo apt update && sudo apt install octopus-cli
sudo curl -sSfL -o /etc/yum.repos.d/octopuscli.repo && \
sudo yum install octopus-cli
Download and extract the archive file for your platform from the latest release on the GitHub releases page.
- macOS (Apple Silicon):
- macOS (Intel):
- Windows (x64):
- Linux (x64):
The archive file simply contains a compressed version of the octopus
binary. If you would like to add it to your PATH
then you must do this yourself.
If you have the go development tools installed, you can run
go install
This will download the latest public release of the CLI from our GitHub repository, compile it for your platform/architecture, and install the binary in your GOPATH
This project aims to create a new CLI (written in Go) for communicating with the Octopus Deploy Server.
It does not seek to be a drop-in replacement for the existing CLI which is written in C# using .NET.
The new CLI will not initially contain all the features of the existing .NET CLI. Over time we plan to add features and may eventually reach parity, but our intent is that both the .NET and Go CLI's will co-exist for a significant period of time.
The new CLI restructures the command line to be more consistent, and fit with convention across other popular CLI apps. It is built on the popular and widely-used Cobra command line processing library.
octo list-releases
octo create-release
octopus release list
octopus release create
The new CLI supports an "interactive" mode, where it will prompt for input where parameters are not fully specified on the command line.
End-user documentation will be provided via the octopus documentation site at a future date.
Contributions are welcome! ❤️ Please read our Contributing Guide for information about how to get involved in this project.
First, ensure that you have Go installed, and available in your PATH
To verify this, open a new terminal window and type go version
. You should see something similar to go version go1.18.4 windows/amd64
Next, clone this git repository
Next, open the directory you cloned into, navigate into the cmd/octopus
directory, and type go build .
cd <your-local-development-dir>
git clone
cd cli
cd cmd/octopus
go build .
If successful, the go compiler does not output anything. You should now have an octopus
on windows) in your current directory.
If you are using a sytem that has make
installed, then you can also simpl run make
in the cli root folder.
The default action for the Makefile
is to run go build
, as above.
The CLI needs to authenticate with the octopus server. This is currently managed using environment variables which you must set before launching it.
export OCTOPUS_URL="http://localhost:8050" # replace with your octopus URL
./octopus space list # should list all the spaces
Windows (powershell):
$env:OCTOPUS_URL="http://localhost:8050" # replace with your octopus URL
./octopus.exe space list # should list all the spaces
Windows (cmd):
set OCTOPUS_URL="http://localhost:8050" # replace with your octopus URL
octopus.exe space list # should list all the spaces
The CLI depends heavily on the go-octopusdeploy library, which manages communication with the Octopus Server via its JSON API.
The CLI follows standard go language conventions for packages, and fits around the package structures set out by the Cobra library for commands.
A rough overview is as follows:
octopus/ # Contains the octopus binary
apiclient/ # Utility code used to manage authentication/connection to the octopus server
cmd/ # contains sub-packages for each cobra command
account/ # contains commands related to accounts
environment/ # contains commands related to environments
... # more commands
constants/ # constant values to avoid duplicated strings, ints, etc
errors/ # internal error objects
executor/ # See 'architecture' below
factory/ # "service locator" object used by commands to locate shared services
output/ # internal utilities which help formatting output
question/ # See 'architecture' below
testutil/ # internal utility code used by both unit and integration tests
integrationtest/ # Contains integration tests
Unit tests for packages follow go language conventions, and is located next to the code it is testing.
input_test.go # unit tests for the code contained in input.go
The easiest way to run the tests is to cd pkg
and run go test ./...
We find gotestsum
provides a nice wrapper around the underlying go test functionality, which you may also prefer.
Integration tests live outside the pkg structure and operate outside the app. They launch the CLI as a seperate process, and interact with it using stdout and stderr.
Important: Integration tests assume that an Octopus Deploy server is running and accessible. Before running the integration tests you must set the following environment variables, or the tests will fail.
OCTOPUS_TEST_URL="http://localhost:8050" # replace with your octopus URL
Important: Integration tests require an admin-level API key.
Important: Integration tests assume an empty Octopus Server database. If your server contains existing data, the tests may fail, and they may modify or delete any existing data.
The easiest way to run the tests is to cd integrationtest
and run go test ./...
or gotestsum
Imagine that the CLI did not contain an "account create" command, and we wished to add one.
We would go about it as follows:
We would make a /cmd/account/create
directory, and within it put create.go
We would implement a func NewCmdCreate(f factory.Factory) *cobra.Command
function which set up
the command structure, parameters, flags, etc, and link it in with the parent code in account.go
func NewCmdCreate(f factory.Factory) *cobra.Command {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "create",
Short: "Create an account",
Long: "Create an account in Octopus Deploy",
Example: heredoc.Docf("$ %s account create", constants.ExecutableName),
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
return nil // TODO
cmd.Flags().StringP("name", "n", "", "name for the item")
cmd.Flags().StringP("description", "d", "", "description for the item")
return cmd
in the executor
package, create a new string constant, and struct to carry the options for your command
const TaskTypeCreateAccount = "createAccount"
type TaskOptionsCreateAccount struct {
Name string // REQUIRED.
Description string // optional
Back in your cmd
file, write some code which maps values from the command flags, and puts them into the Task
then submit it to the excutor which will do the work when you call ProcessTasks
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
name := cmd.Flags().GetString("name")
description := cmd.Flags().GetString("description")
task := executor.NewTask(executor.TaskTypeCreateAccount, executor.TaskOptionsCreateAccount{
Name: name,
Description: description,
// etc
executor.ProcessTasks(f, []executor.Task{ task })
Update the code in ProcessTasks to match your new task identifier string, and write a new helper function to do the work (sending data to the octopus server, etc.)
At this point you should have a functioning command which works in automation mode.
The unit tests for release list are a reasonable place to start with as an example.
Return back to your new command's go file (account/create.go
in this example)
At a high level, you should create a function which encapsulates the interactive question/answer session, and returns
your TaskOptions
structure, which you then pass to ProcessTasks
You should pass a reference to the Ask
func, which allows you to mock out the Survey
library, and then you should
write a series of unit tests which ensure that the question/answer session works correctly.