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Creating the gh pages hosted Catalog app

Nikolaj Ivancic edited this page Feb 29, 2016 · 1 revision

Executive summary

(copied from aurelia-kendoui-plugin demo site)

How to run

  1. npm install
  2. jspm registry create kendo jspm-git
  3. base URL:
  4. Set advanced configurations? yes
  5. Would you like to use the default git repository suffix (.git)? yes
  6. Disable shallow git clones? no
  7. Enable authentication? yes
  8. Enter your Telerik credentials
  9. jspm install
  10. gulp watch

pre-deploy checklist

  1. update the about page with the current status of control development

How to deploy from sample folder of the bridge

  1. remove the src, styles and images folder from the demo-kendo repository
  2. copy from the aurelia-kendoui-plugin/sample folder, the src, styles, and images folder over to demo-kendo
  3. update the plugin: jspm install aurelia-kendoui-bridge
  4. run gulp watch and verify that everything runs correctly, and that there are no errors in the console
  5. gulp deploy
  6. push changes to the github repo

Detailed instructions


As indicated above the Aurelia KendoUI Catalog application is created from the sample folder of the aurelia-kendoui-bridge repository instantiated as a standalone Aurelia application hosted on GitHub via gh-pages. In order to preserve the complete infrastructure needed to run such standalone application, it is maintained in it's own repository named demo-kendo.

Part A Create a clone of the demo-kendo repository on your development computer

Part B Go through the steps 1., 2., 3. and 4. described above. The last step gulp watch is used to verify that the Catalog app as cloned from the repository works correctly:

(The single instruction at pre-deploy checklist is folded into this section)

Part A The task at hand is to update the Catalog app from the source code of the released bridge - best described by the image below

When all three folders in the Catalog app are replaced, make sure to set the release number here and run 'gulp watch' again, to ensure that everything is ready for actual deployment to GitHub gh-pages

Very important notes

  1. Ensure that your editor uses the same lint (same level of being strict) as the deploy step does. I fell a victim of one redundant ; character in my code, that my editor (and gulp watch by the way) did not catch, resulting with the gulp deploy step failing after most of the code was already "pushed" to the master repository. Recovering from that is not for people with faint heart :-)

  2. Ensure that your git config username is correctly set (it has to be the username defined at the time of establishing your GitHub account; failing to have that name set in local git config file is another sure way to make gulp deploy command crash as shown below:

C:\work\aurelia-ui-toolkits\KendoUI\demo-kendo (master)
λ gulp deploy
[19:03:38] Using gulpfile C:\work\aurelia-ui-toolkits\KendoUI\demo-kendo\gulpfile.js
[19:03:38] Starting 'deploy'...
[19:03:38] Starting 'clean'...
[19:03:38] Finished 'deploy' after 12 ms
[19:03:38] Finished 'clean' after 18 ms
[19:03:38] Starting 'unbundle'...
[19:03:38] Finished 'unbundle' after 54 ms
[19:03:38] Starting 'bundle'...

after a minute - I got this:

[19:03:38] Finished 'unbundle' after 54 ms
[19:03:38] Starting 'bundle'...
[19:04:48] Finished 'bundle' after 1.17 min
[19:04:48] Starting 'delete-kendo-src'...
[19:04:50] Finished 'delete-kendo-src' after 1.52 s
[19:04:50] Starting 'deploy-gh-pages'...
[19:04:50] 'deploy-gh-pages' errored after 518 ms
[19:04:50] Error in plugin 'gulp-gh-pages'
    ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\work\aurelia-ui-toolkits\KendoUI\demo-kendo\.publish\.git\HEAD'
    errno: -4058
    code: ENOENT
    syscall: open
    path: C:\work\aurelia-ui-toolkits\KendoUI\demo-kendo\.publish\.git\HEAD
[19:04:50] Error in plugin 'run-sequence'
    An error occured in task 'deploy-gh-pages'.

C:\work\aurelia-ui-toolkits\KendoUI\demo-kendo (master)

Part B - run gulp deploy command

This section will be added after the next deployment of the KendoUI Catalog app