Use this image to build really small docker images.
To use it clone the buildroot system somewhere on your machine
$ git clone git://
Run the container with
$ docker run -t -i -v ~/buildroot:/buildroot aussieade/docker-buildroot-x86_64
This will drop you into a bash shell ready to build your image.
For an example of how to use this to build something see Even Smaller Docker OpenVPN Container
The included .config is set for x86_64 and presumes there is a /buildroot/docker/ file to fix up the generated image present containing
if [ "$TARGET_DIR" = "" ]; then
echo "POST: TARGET_DIR not set"
exit 1
rm $TARGET_DIR/etc/resolv.conf $TARGET_DIR/sbin/init
touch $TARGET_DIR/etc/resolv.conf $TARGET_DIR/sbin/init
Note: if you are using this with virtualbox builds will fail as symlinking is not allowed on shared volumes (see this ticket).
Allegedly for a vm called default and share called /Users you can fix this with
$ VBoxManage getextradata default enumerate | grep Symlinks
Key: VBoxInternal2/SharedFoldersEnableSymlinksCreate/Users, Value: 0
$ VBoxManage setextradata default VBoxInternal2/SharedFoldersEnableSymlinksCreate/Users 1
you will need to restart the guest before this takes effect. This didn't seem to work for me with virtualbox 5.0.4, ymmv.