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Omniauth-keycloak is an authentication and authorization library for Ruby on Rails which use the OAuth 2.0 and OIDC protocol.

Table of Contents


You can use the libarary as standalone authentification if you want to use Keycloak only authentifications. The libarary is also usable with the devise gem.


Getting Started

Add the OmniAuth gem to the Gemile of your application:

gem 'omniauth-keycloak', git: '[email protected]:avarteqgmbh/omniauth-keycloak.git'

Before you continue with the Rails setup, you also need get the public_key and the client oidc_json from Keycloak. The full Keycloak confguration is documented in Keycloak documentation section.

Keycloak Setup: Documenation

After you have everything ready in Keycloak you can begin the Rails setup.

Rails Setup: Documentaton

Known issues

  • JWKS Support not Implemented
  • No autoamtic lookup after OAuth2 End Points