A simple yet powerful task queue implementation using Valkey streams and the GLIDE client library. Available in both Python and Node.js.
- Stream-based task queue with batch processing
- Producer-Consumer pattern implementation
- Threshold-based batch processing
- Both Python and Node.js implementations
- Dockerized Valkey cluster setup
- Start the Valkey cluster:
docker-compose up -d
- Choose your implementation:
cd python
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python main.py
cd node
npm install
npm run dev
- Uses Valkey GLIDE client library
- Implements stream commands (XADD, XREADGROUP, XACK)
- Batch processing with configurable threshold
- Consumer group pattern for reliable message processing
Valkey GLIDE is a multi-language client library supporting Python, Node.js, Java, and Go (with Ruby and C++ under development). It's designed for:
- High reliability and performance
- Consistent features across languages
- Best practices from AWS's client team experience
- Compatible with Valkey 7.2+ and Redis OSS 6.2+
Producer → Valkey Stream → Consumer Group → Batch Processing
The producer adds tasks to a Valkey stream, while consumers read and process tasks in batches when either:
- The stream reaches the threshold (5 tasks)
- The producer signals completion