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Laravel Rewind is a powerful and efficient versioning package for your Eloquent models


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Laravel Rewind

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Laravel Rewind is a powerful, easy-to-use versioning package for your Eloquent models.

Imagine you have a Post model and want to track how it evolves over time:

use AvocetShores\LaravelRewind\Facades\Rewind;

// Previous title: 'Old Title'
$post->title = 'Updated Title';

// Title goes back to 'Old Title'

// Title goes forward to 'Updated Title'

You can also view a list of previous versions of a model, see what changed, and even jump to a specific version.

$versions = $post->versions;

Rewind::goTo($post, $versions->first()->version);

How It Works

Under the hood, Rewind stores a combination of partial diffs and full snapshots of your model’s data. The interval between full snapshots is determined by the rewind.snapshot_interval config value. This provides you with a customizable trade-off between storage cost and performance. Rewind's engine will automatically determine the shortest path between your current version, available snapshots, and your target.

How does Rewind handle history?

Rewind maintains a simple linear history of your model’s changes, but what exactly happens when you update a model while on an older version? Let's take a look:

  1. You create a new version of your model:
// Previous title: 'Old Title'
$post->title = 'New Title';
  1. You rewind to a previous version:
// Title goes back to 'Old Title'
  1. You update the model while on an older version:
$post->title = 'Rewind is Awesome!';
  1. What version are we on now, and what data is in it?

In order to maintain a linear, non-destructive history, Rewind uses the previous head version as the content of the old_values for the new version you just created. It also creates a full snapshot of the model’s current state and designates it as the new head. So the current version in our above example looks like this:

    'version' => 3,
    'old_values' => [
        'title' => 'New Title', // Note: This is the title from v2, not v1
        // Other attributes...
    'new_values' => [
        'title' => 'Rewind is Awesome!',
        // Other attributes...

In other words, your model's history will always look like it updated from the previous head version. This way, you can always see what changed between versions, even if you jump back and forth in time. And you can always revert to a previous version without fear of losing data.

Thread Safety

Rewind is designed with thread-safety in mind. Before creating a new version, Rewind must acquire a cache lock for that specific record. This ensures that only one process can create a new version at a time. If a process is unable to acquire the lock, it will wait for a set period of time before throwing an exception.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require avocet-shores/laravel-rewind

You can publish and run the migrations, and publish the config, with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="AvocetShores\LaravelRewind\LaravelRewindServiceProvider"

php artisan migrate

Getting Started

To enable version tracking on a model, follow these two steps:

1. Add the Rewindable trait to your Eloquent model:

use AvocetShores\LaravelRewind\Traits\Rewindable;

class Post extends Model
   use Rewindable;

2. Add the current_version column to your model’s table:

In order to function properly, Rewind needs to track which version your model is currently on. You can use our convenient artisan command to generate a migration to do just that:

php artisan rewind:add-version
  • This command will prompt you for the table name you wish to extend.
  • After providing the table name, it creates a migration file that will add a current_version column to that table.
  • Run php artisan migrate to apply it.
  • Once this column is in place, the RewindManager will automatically manage your model’s current_version.

That’s it! Now your model’s changes are recorded in the rewind_versions table, and you can jump backwards or forwards in time.


Creating/Updating a Model

$post = Post::find(1);
$post->title = "New Title";
// A new version is automatically created

Using the Rewind Facade

use AvocetShores\LaravelRewind\Facades\Rewind;

// Rewind two versions back
Rewind::rewind($post, 2);

// Fast-forward one version

// Jump directly to a specific version
Rewind::goTo($post, 5);

Excluding attributes from versioning

If you have attributes that you don't want to track, you can exclude them by adding an excludedFromVersioning method to your model:

public static function excludedFromVersioning(): array
    return ['password', 'api_token'];

Build a specific version's attributes

Because Rewind stores a combination of partial diffs and snapshots, there's no guarantee a RewindVersion contains all the data for a version. However, the getVersionAttributes method will build and return a complete set of attributes for a specific version.

$attributes = Rewind::getVersionAttributes($post, 7);

Clone a Model at a specific version

You can clone a model by using the cloneModel function. This will create a new model and fill it with the attributes from the specified version.

$clonedPost = Rewind::cloneModel($post, 5);

Initialize a v1 on your model without making any changes

If you have an existing model and want to add a v1 record without making any changes, you can call the initVersion function directly from your Rewindable model.



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Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.