Pre-requisites: Azure Subscription VM having Azure SDK/Python/Ansible/Azure CLI Configured Service Principal on VM to interact with Azure. The filename ~/.azure/credentials has entry of credentials generated during Service Principal.
cat < ~/.azure/credentials [default] subscription_id=1234-1234-1234-1234 client_id=11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111 secret=secretpassword tenant=1234567-123456-123456-123456 EOF
Create a pair of private/public keys for azureuser
Provision a new VM:
we have Ansible up and running on VM. Connect to VM from Terminal. Run ssh [email protected]
azureuser@myVM:~$ cd ansible-provision/
You will find a playbook to provision a VM in Azure. azureuser@myVM:~/ansible-provision$ansible-playbook provision_newvm.yml --extra-vars "vmname=azurevmaw resgrp=myResourceGroup vnet=myVnet subnet=mySubnet"
vmname: Name of VM to be given. Here we used azurevmaw. resgrp: Resource Group in Azure vnet:Mandatory arguments subnet:Mandatory arguments
You can use the following commands to double check the vnet and subnet that were used to create the master VM(myVM).
azureuser@myVM:~/ansible-provision$ az network vnet list -o tableazureuser@myVM:~/ansible-provision$ az network vnet subnet list --vnet-name myVnet -g myResourceGroup -o table
We have another playbook to change the configuration which calls and runs the subsequent roles and their tasks.
azureuser@myVM:~/ansible-provision$ ansible-playbook -i playbookazure.yml --extra-vars "vmname=azurevmaw"