This dockerfile is meant to provide a container to run your application in production. There are other examples out there that put the entire code base in the container and run it. This container is instead designed to take the compiled output of just the exrm release and run that. This will allow for a smaller container that is being run in production.
Please refer to my getting started guide that I wrote as a part of my drone-with-elixir starter kit. If you run into any issues, please file an issue or get ahold of me on twitter @a_weiker.
Please set APP_NAME
to the correct name of your application and make sure
has the correct value.
FROM aweiker/alpine-elixir:latest
ENV PORT=4000 MIX_ENV=prod
ENV APP_NAME=hello_phoenix APP_VERSION="0.0.1"
CMD trap exit TERM; /$APP_NAME/bin/$APP_NAME foreground & wait