Lecture video repository with some comments or time stamps
Convolutional Neural Networks for Text Classification:
- https://youtu.be/bnmAsFBl4E4#t=1h08m08s (15m 30s)
Fully-Connected Layer Perspective about Convolution:
- https://youtu.be/bnmAsFBl4E4#t=1h31m14s (13m 30s)
Four Different Perspectives of Matrix Multiplications (+ Brief Intro to Low-Rank Factorization):
- https://youtu.be/00rwOWPEiY4#t=2h02m19s (36m 00s)
- Prerequisite: Span, Inner Product
Shallow overview of second-order optimization techniques (why second-order methods don't require the step size):
- https://youtu.be/MGSw0wCwqmw#t=0h37m30s (14m 15s)
- Prerequisite: Vanilla Gradient Ddescnet
[cs224n] 4 explanation for Back propagation
- Importance of Zero-centered Activation Function:
- Dead ReLU:
- Fancier first-order optimization techniques beyond SGD
- Momentum : https://youtu.be/rAKk2t5USEc?t=2785 (20m 30s)
- Adagrad/RMSProp/Adam : https://youtu.be/rAKk2t5USEc?t=4672 (28m)
- Model Ensembles - train multiple indepent models
- General description : https://youtu.be/rAKk2t5USEc?t=6369 (15m)
- Dropout (The idea is to train an ensemble of DNNs) : https://youtu.be/rAKk2t5USEc?t=7293 (22m)
- Generalization effect of SGD : https://youtu.be/rAKk2t5USEc?t=7561 (3m 10s)
- Stochastic GD, Mini-Batch GD : Link
- Case Studies of CNN Architectures
- VGGNet - (1) much deeper, (2) only 3x3 CONV: https://youtu.be/eTHlqBpRQDc?t=761
- why does the stack of three 3X3 conv layers have same effective receptive field as one 7X7 conv?
- the stack of three 3x3 conv layers has fewer parameters than 7x7 conv layer
- GoogLeNet : https://youtu.be/eTHlqBpRQDc?t=1765
- "inception module" : multiple receptive filed sizes, "1x1 convolution", "Auxiliary classification outputs to inject additional gradient at lower layers"
- ResNet : https://youtu.be/eTHlqBpRQDc?t=3673
- Residual connections enabling very deep networks (like 152-layer model)
- VGGNet - (1) much deeper, (2) only 3x3 CONV: https://youtu.be/eTHlqBpRQDc?t=761
- Tansposed Convolution / Deconv
- RNN - Gradient Vanishing & Exploding
- Causes to occur (Repetition of same linear transformation) : https://youtu.be/_LCkwu6tH0M?t=3841 (6m 30s)
- Long-term Dependancy Problem : https://youtu.be/_LCkwu6tH0M?t=4237
- LSTM : https://youtu.be/_LCkwu6tH0M?t=4543
- Key success factor of LSTM and ResNet : https://youtu.be/f5reJVwTK0U?t=3750
- GRU : https://youtu.be/_LCkwu6tH0M?t=6298, https://youtu.be/z3sBNVTuuss?t=133
- RNN - Gradient Vanishing & Exploding
- Attention model
- Core Explanation : https://youtu.be/7ivUO7ER0iE?t=776 (41m)
- Hard/Soft Attention : https://youtu.be/7ivUO7ER0iE?t=3259 (5m 30s)
- Stochastic Hard Attention : https://youtu.be/7ivUO7ER0iE?t=4099 (2m)
- Intuitive explanation for how attention works (whether supervised or not) : https://youtu.be/ut24qA_Gxu0?t=2341
- Visual Question Answering (RNNs with Attention)
- Sequence to Sequence model
- Chatbot/Machine Translation : https://youtu.be/7ivUO7ER0iE?t=4787
- Seq2seq with Attention : https://youtu.be/7ivUO7ER0iE?t=5131
- Attention example in Machine Translation (learning word-order) : https://youtu.be/7ivUO7ER0iE?t=5633
- ConvS2S : https://youtu.be/FuXkWwoyAKk
- Gated Linear Unit : https://youtu.be/JqkfT1s60cI?t=2902
- fairseq (operation animation) : https://youtu.be/FuXkWwoyAKk?t=7479
- Positional Encoding : https://youtu.be/FuXkWwoyAKk?t=4422
- Transformer : https://youtu.be/FuXkWwoyAKk?t=7760
- Query, Key, Value : https://youtu.be/FuXkWwoyAKk?t=7819
- Warmup Scheduler (Slanted triangular learning rates) : https://youtu.be/FuXkWwoyAKk?t=13992
- Self Attention in vision domain : Link
- Self Attention GAN Link
- Word2Vec
- Negative Sampling : https://youtu.be/RjwznuzQAOo?t=3225
- BLEU, PPL : https://youtu.be/FuXkWwoyAKk?t=5039
- BPE (Byte Pair Encoding - Character Lv. Embedding) : https://youtu.be/FuXkWwoyAKk?t=5857
- Char (Sub-Word) vs Word Embedding : https://youtu.be/FuXkWwoyAKk?t=6401
- Epoch vs Iteration
- Distance : KL Divergence(=distance, similar but different w/ metric), Edit distance, etc.
- General description with regard to distance : https://youtu.be/f5reJVwTK0U?t=379
- KL Divergence (Asymmetry, Greater than or equal to zero) : https://youtu.be/f5reJVwTK0U?t=1529
- Cross Entropy Loss (cannot be equal to zero) : https://youtu.be/f5reJVwTK0U?t=2694
- Gradient of Vector/Quadratic form (Ref. Matrix Calculus - https://goo.gl/XkCibf)
- Gradient Vector (multiple input and scalar output) : https://youtu.be/eAiQy5iQi5E?t=604
- Gradient of Quadratic form : https://youtu.be/eAiQy5iQi5E?t=880
- PCA : 1) centering 2) maximize the variance https://youtu.be/eAiQy5iQi5E?t=1870
- optimal C is found as an eigenvector - more about...
- Gaussian Kernel, How to define similarity measure : https://youtu.be/eAiQy5iQi5E?t=2768
- overview : https://youtu.be/TZeZek9OQMY?list=PLep-kTP3NkcPmmhKqP4KLTtUK9jduYEuQ&t=4539
- Feature extraction
- 빅데이터와 정보검색 강의.
- topic modeling, word emvedding, attention models, seq2seq models, question answering, memory networks 등을 다룬다.
- 강의링크 : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLep-kTP3NkcNqn2MtzkscRlTDYTiqKjzD
- course overview (Lecture 1)
- 앞으로 배울 내용들을 간략하게 정리한다.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-ptwY3fkVQ&list=PLep-kTP3NkcNqn2MtzkscRlTDYTiqKjzD&index=1
- topic modeling , word embedding (Lecture 2~4)
- topic modeling, gradient descent, word embedding, negative sampling 등을 다룬다
- 키워드와 다큐먼트의 용어 언급에서 간혹 바꿔 말하는 실수가 있으니 주의
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCZ6LeanKIc&list=PLep-kTP3NkcNqn2MtzkscRlTDYTiqKjzD&index=2
- 강의내용 ...
Abnormal Colon Polyp Image Synthesis Using Conditional Adversarial Networks for Improved Detection Performance (Article in IEEE Access, October, 2018)
- Modified U-Net based Generator model : https://youtu.be/0rQrFra-qK0?t=235 (+14m)
- Deconv and Transposed conv : https://youtu.be/0rQrFra-qK0?t=736 (+4m50s)
- Im2col : https://youtu.be/0rQrFra-qK0?t=1031 (+11m)