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BPA added sharepoint validation
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Raphael Buechi committed Aug 28, 2024
1 parent 0be51a6 commit 916f221
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Showing 3 changed files with 65 additions and 391 deletions.
371 changes: 1 addition & 370 deletions Config/AXE-TABLE.BPATemplate.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,374 +1,5 @@
"name": "AXE Best Practices - Table",
"style": "Table",
"Fields": [
"name": "PasswordNeverExpires",
"API": "Graph",
"URL": "",
"ExtractFields": [
"where": "$_.passwordValidityPeriodInDays -eq 2147483647",
"StoreAs": "bool",
"FrontendFields": [
"name": "EID: Password Never Expires",
"desc": "Check if the password never expires for any user",
"value": "PasswordNeverExpires",
"formatter": "bool"
"name": "MicrosoftAuthenticatorEnabled",
"API": "Graph",
"URL": "",
"ExtractFields": [
"StoreAs": "bool",
"FrontendFields": [
"name": "EID: Microsoft Authenticator Enabled",
"value": "MicrosoftAuthenticatorEnabled",
"formatter": "bool"
"name": "SoftwareOATHEnabled",
"API": "Graph",
"URL": "",
"ExtractFields": [
"StoreAs": "bool",
"FrontendFields": [
"name": "EID: Software OATH Enabled",
"value": "SoftwareOATHEnabled",
"formatter": "bool"
"name": "TAPEnabled",
"API": "Graph",
"URL": "",
"ExtractFields": [
"StoreAs": "bool",
"FrontendFields": [
"name": "EID: Temporary Access Pass Enabled",
"value": "TAPEnabled",
"formatter": "bool"
"name": "FIDO2Enabled",
"API": "Graph",
"URL": "",
"ExtractFields": [
"StoreAs": "bool",
"FrontendFields": [
"name": "EID: FIDO2 Enabled",
"value": "FIDO2Enabled",
"formatter": "bool"
"name": "voiceEnabled",
"API": "Graph",
"URL": "",
"ExtractFields": [
"StoreAs": "bool",
"FrontendFields": [
"name": "EID: Voice Authentication Enabled",
"value": "voiceEnabled",
"formatter": "reverseBool"
"name": "SMSEnabled",
"API": "Graph",
"URL": "",
"ExtractFields": [
"StoreAs": "bool",
"FrontendFields": [
"name": "EID: SMS Authentication Enabled",
"value": "SMSEnabled",
"formatter": "reverseBool"
"name": "EmailEnabled",
"API": "Graph",
"URL": "",
"ExtractFields": [
"StoreAs": "bool",
"FrontendFields": [
"name": "EID: Email Authentication Enabled",
"value": "EmailEnabled",
"formatter": "reverseBool"
"name": "SecureDefaultState",
"API": "Graph",
"URL": "",
"ExtractFields": [
"StoreAs": "bool",
"FrontendFields": [
"name": "EID: Security Defaults State Enabled",
"value": "SecureDefaultState",
"formatter": "warnBool"
"name": "userRegistrationDetails",
"API": "Graph",
"URL": "",
"ExtractFields": [
"StoreAs": "JSON",
"FrontendFields": [
"name": "EID: MFA User Registration Details",
"value": "userRegistrationDetails",
"formatter": "table"
"name": "OAuthAppConsent",
"API": "Graph",
"URL": "$select=defaultUserRolePermissions",
"ExtractFields": [
"where": "@('', 'microsoft-user-default-low') -notin $_.defaultuserrolepermissions.permissionGrantPoliciesAssigned",
"StoreAs": "bool",
"FrontendFields": [
"name": "EID: OAuth App Consent",
"value": "OAuthAppConsent",
"formatter": "bool"
"name": "MessageCopyforSentAsDisabled",
"API": "Exchange",
"Command": "Get-Mailbox",
"Parameters": {
"RecipientTypeDetails": [
"where": "$_.MessageCopyForSentAsEnabled -eq $false",
"ExtractFields": [
"StoreAs": "JSON",
"FrontendFields": [
"name": "EXO: Message Copy for Sent-As Disabled",
"formatter": "table",
"value": "MessageCopyforSentAsDisabled"
"name": "SharedMailboxeswithenabledusers",
"API": "Exchange",
"Command": "Get-Mailbox",
"Parameters": {
"RecipientTypeDetails": "SharedMailbox"
"where": "$_.accountDisabled -eq $false",
"ExtractFields": [
"StoreAs": "JSON",
"FrontendFields": [
"name": "EXO: Shared Mailboxes with enabled users",
"formatter": "table",
"value": "SharedMailboxeswithenabledusers"
"name": "SharepointSettings",
"API": "Graph",
"URL": "",
"Parameters": {
"asApp": "True"
"ExtractFields": [
"StoreAs": "JSON",
"FrontendFields": [
"name": "SPO: Resharing by external users disabled",
"value": "SharepointSettings.isResharingByExternalUsersEnabled",
"formatter": "reverseBool"
"name": "SPO: Allow users to sync from unmanaged devices",
"value": "SharepointSettings.isUnmanagedSyncAppForTenantRestricted",
"formatter": "reverseBool"
"name": "SPO: Site creation by standard users disabled",
"value": "SharepointSettings.isSiteCreationEnabled",
"formatter": "reverseBool"
"name": "SPO: Default Timezone",
"value": "SharepointSettings.tenantDefaultTimezone",
"formatter": "string"
"name": "SPO: Require accepting user to match invited user",
"value": "SharepointSettings.isRequireAcceptingUserToMatchInvitedUserEnabled",
"formatter": "bool"
"name": "SPO: Legacy Auth Protocols Disabled",
"value": "SharepointSettings.isLegacyAuthProtocolsEnabled",
"formatter": "reverseBool"
"name": "SharepointAnonymousSharingEnabled",
"API": "Graph",
"URL": "",
"where": "$_.sharingCapability -eq 'ExternalUserAndGuestSharing'",
"Parameters": {
"asApp": "True"
"ExtractFields": [
"StoreAs": "bool",
"FrontendFields": [
"name": "SPO: Anonymous Sharing disabled",
"value": "SharepointAnonymousSharingEnabled",
"formatter": "reverseBool"
"name": "BreakGlassAccount",
"API": "Graph",
"URL": "$filter=startswith(displayName,'BreakGlass ')&$select=displayName",
"where": "$_.count -eq 1",
"FrontendFields": [
"name": "BreakGlass Account",
"value": "BreakGlassAccount",
"formatter": "bool"
"name": "adminRoles",
"UseExistingInfo": false,
"API": "Graph",
"URL": "$expand=members($select=displayName)&$select=displayName",
"ExtractFields": [
"StoreAs": "JSON",
"FrontendFields": [
"name": "Admin Roles",
"value": "adminRoles",
"formatter": "table"
"name": "Unusedlicenses",
"API": "CIPPFunction",
"Command": "Get-CIPPLicenseOverview",
"ExtractFields": [
"StoreAs": "JSON",
"where": "$_.availableUnits -gt 0",
"FrontendFields": [
"name": "Unused licenses",
"formatter": "table",
"value": "Unusedlicenses"
"name": "CurrentSecureScore",
"API": "Graph",
"URL": "$top=1",
"Parameters": {
"Nopagination": true
"ExtractFields": [
"StoreAs": "JSON",
"FrontendFields": [
"name": "Current Secure Score",
"value": "CurrentSecureScore.currentScore / CurrentSecureScore.maxScore * 100",
"formatter": "math",
"showAs": "percentage"
"Fields": []

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