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πŸ₯ Discover Model Lifecycle Automation and Orchestration 🎻

In the previous unit, you implemented a full model lifecycle in the cloud:

  1. Sourcing data from a data warehouse (Google BigQuery) and storing model weights on a bucket (GCS)
  2. Launching a training task on a virtual machine (VM), including evaluating the model performance and making predictions

The WagonCab team is really happy with your work and assigns you to a new mission: ensure the validity of the trained model over time.

As you might imagine, the fare amount of a taxi ride tends to change over time with the economy, and the model could be accurate right now but obsolete in the future.

🀯 After a quick brainstorming session with your team, you come up with a plan:

  1. Implement a process to monitor the performance of the Production model over time
  2. Implement an automated workflow to:
    • Fetch fresh data
    • Preprocess the fresh data
    • Evaluate the performance of the Production model on fresh data
    • Train a Staging model on the fresh data, in parallel to the task above
    • Compare Production vs Staging performance
    • Set a threshold for a model being good enough for production
    • If Staging better than both Production and the threshold, put it into production automatically
    • Otherwise where Production is better and still above the threshold leave it in production.
    • If neither meet the threshold notify a human who will decide whether or not to deploy the Staging model to Production and what others fixes are needed!
  3. Deploy this workflow and wait for fresh data to come


1️⃣ Setup

❓Instructions (expand me)

Install Requirements

πŸ’» Install version 0.0.10 of the taxifare package

make reinstall_package

Notice we've added 3 new packages: mlflow, prefect and psycopg2-binary

βœ… Check your taxifare package version

pip list | grep taxifare
# taxifare                  0.0.10

πŸ’» copy the .env.sample file, fill .env, allow direnv

We want to see some proper learning curve today: Let's set


We'll move to all at the very end!

🏁 You are up and ready!

2️⃣ Performance Monitoring with MLflow

❓Instructions (expand me)

🀯 You may remember that handling model versioning with local storage or GCS was quite shaky! We had to store weights as model/{current_timestamp}.h5, then and sort by most_recent etc...

πŸ€— Welcome MLFlow! It will:

  • store both trained models weights and the results of our experiments (metrics, params) in the cloud!
  • allow us to tag our models
  • allow us to visually monitor the evolution of the performance of our models, experiment after experiment!

πŸ”Ž We have only slightly updated your taxifare package compared with unit 02:

  • interface/ train() and evaluate() are now decorated with @mlflow_run
  • ml_logic/ defines mlflow_run() to automatically log TF training params!
  • interface/ (Keep for later) Entry point to run the "re-train-if-performance-decreases" worflow)

2.1) Configure your Project for MLflow

MLflow Server

The WagonCab tech team put in production an MLflow server located at, you will use in to track your experiments and store your trained models.

Environment Variables

πŸ“ Look at your .env file and discover 4 new variables to edit:

  • MODEL_TARGET (local, gcs, or now mlflow) which defines how the taxifare package should save the outputs of the training
  • MLFLOW_EXPERIMENT, which is the name of the experiment, should contain taxifare_experiment_<user.github_nickname>
  • MLFLOW_MODEL_NAME, which is the name of your model, should contain taxifare_<user.github_nickname>

πŸ§ͺ Run the tests with make test_mlflow_config

2.2) Update taxifare package to push your training results to MLflow

Now that your MLflow config is set up, you need to update your package so that the trained model, its params and its performance metrics are pushed to MLflow every time you run an new experiment, i.e. a new training.

a): Understand the setup

❓ Which module of your taxifare package is responsible for saving the training outputs?


It is the role of the taxifare.ml_logic.registry module to save the trained model, its parameters, and its performance metrics, all thanks to the save_model(), save_results(), and mlflow_run() functions.

  • save_model to save the models!
  • save_results to save parameters and metrics
  • mlflow_run is a decorator to start the runs and start the tf autologging

b): Do the first train run!

First, check if you already have a processed dataset available with the correct DATA_SIZE.

make show_sources_all

If not,

make run_preprocess

Now, lets do a first run of training to see what our decorator @mlflow_run creates for us thanks to mlflow.tensorflow.autolog()

make run_train

☝️ This time, you should see the print "βœ… mlflow_run autolog done"

❓ Checkout what is logged on your experiment on

  • Try to plot the your learning curve of mae and val_mae as function of epochs directly on the website UI !

c): Save the additional params manually on mlflow!

Beyond tensorflow specific training metrics, what else do you think we would want to log as well ?

πŸ’‘ Solution

We can give more context:

  • Was this a train() run or evaluate()?
  • Data: How much data was used for this training run!
  • etc...

❓ Edit registry::save_results so that when the model target is mlflow also save our additional params and metrics to mlflow.

πŸ’‘ Try Cmd-Shift-R for global symbol search - thank me later =)

🎁 Solution

For params

if MODEL_TARGET == "mlflow":
    if params is not None:
    if metrics is not None:
    print("βœ… Results saved on mlflow")

d): Save the model weights through MLflow, instead of manually on GCS

Let's have a look at taxifare.ml_logic.registry::save_model

  • 🀯 Handling model versioning manually with local storage or GCS was quite shaky! We have to store weights as model/{current_timestamp}.h5, then and sort by most_recent etc...

  • Let's use mlflow mlflow.tensorflow.log_model method to store model for us instead! MLflow will use its own AWS S3 bucket (equivalent to GCS) !

πŸ’» Complete the first step of the save_model function

def save_model():
    # [...]

    if MODEL_TARGET == "mlflow":
        # YOUR CODE HERE
🎁 Solution
print("βœ… Model saved to mlflow")

e): Automatic staging

Once a new model is trained, it should be moved into staging, and then compared with the model in production, if there is an improvement it should be moved into production instead!

❓ Add your code at the section in interface.main using registry.mlflow_transition_model:

    def train():
    # [...]
        # The latest model should be moved to staging
        pass  # YOUR CODE HERE

Make a final training so as to save model to ML flow in "Staging" stage πŸ€” Why staging? We never want to put in production a model without checking it's metric first!

make run_train

It should print something like this

  • βœ… Model saved to mlflow
  • βœ… Model <model_name> version 1 transitioned from None to Staging

Take a look at your model now on

πŸ’‘ You should get something like this mlflow_push_model

2.3) Make a Prediction from your Model Saved in MLflow

"What's the point of storing my model on MLflow", you say? Well, for starters, MLflow allows you to very easily handle the lifecycle stage of the model (None, Staging or Production) to synchronize the information across the team. And more importantly, it allows any application to load a trained model at any given stage to make a prediction.

First, notice that make run_pred requires a model in Production by default (not in Staging)

πŸ‘‰ Let's manually change your model from "Staging" to "Production" in mlflow graphical UI!

πŸ’» Then, complete the load_model function in the taxifare.ml_logic.registry module

  • And try to run a prediction using make run_pred
  • πŸ’‘ Hint: Have a look at the MLflow Python API for Tensorflow and find a function to retrieve your trained model.
🎁 Solution
client = MlflowClient()

    model_versions = client.get_latest_versions(name=MLFLOW_MODEL_NAME, stages=[stage])
    model_uri = model_versions[0].source
    assert model_uri is not None
    print(f"\n❌ No model found with name {MLFLOW_MODEL_NAME} in stage {stage}")
    return None

model = mlflow.tensorflow.load_model(model_uri=model_uri)

print("βœ… model loaded from mlflow")

πŸ’» Check that you can also evaluate your production model by calling make run_evaluate

βœ… When you are all set, track your progress on Kitt with make test_kitt 🏁 Congrats! Your taxifare package is now persisting every aspect of your experiments on MLflow, and you have a production-ready model!

3️⃣ Automate the workflow with Prefect

❓Instructions (expand me)

Currently our retraining process relies on us running and comparing results manually. Lets build a prefect workflow to automate this process!

3.1) Prefect setup

  • Checkout the .env make sure PREFECT_FLOW_NAME is filled.
  • Go to, log in and then create a workspace!
  • Authenticate via the cli:
prefect cloud login

πŸ“ Edit your .env project configuration file:**

  • PREFECT_FLOW_NAME should follow the taxifare_lifecycle_<user.github_nickname> convention
  • PREFECT_LOG_LEVEL should say WARNING(more info here).

πŸ§ͺ Run the tests with make test_prefect_config

Now by running make run_workflow on your prefect cloud dashboard you should see an empty flow run appear on your cloud dashboard.

3.2) Build your flow!

🎯 Now you need to work on completing train_flow() that you will find in

def train_flow():
    Build the prefect workflow for the `taxifare` package. It should:
    - preprocess 1 month of new data, starting from EVALUATION_START_DATE
    - compute `old_mae` by evaluating current production model in this new month period
    - compute `new_mae` by re-training then evaluating current production model on this new month period
    - if new better than old, replace current production model by new one
    - if neither models are good enough, send a notification!

a) Lets start by just the first two tasks to get old_mae

πŸ’‘ Keep your code DRY: Our tasks simply call our various entrypoints with argument of our choice! We could even get rid of them entirely and simply decorate our main entrypoints with @tasks. How elegant is that!

πŸ’‘ Quick TLDR on how prefect works:

# Define your tasks
def task1():

def task2():

# Define your workflow
def myworkflow():
    # Define the orchestration graph ("DAG")
    task1_future = task1.submit()
    task2_future = task2.submit(..., wait_for=[task1_future]) # <-- task2 starts only after task1

    # Compute your results as actual python object
    task1_result = task1_future.result()
    task2_result = task2_future.result()

    # Do something with the results (e.g. compare them)
    assert task1_result < task2_result

# Actually launch your workflow

πŸ§ͺ Check your code with make run_workflow

You should see two tasks run one after the other like below πŸ‘‡

b) Then try to add the last 2 tasks: new_mae computation and comparison for deployment to Prod !

πŸ’‘ In the flow task re_train make sure to set split size to 0.2: as only using 0.02 won't be enough when we are getting new data for just one month.

πŸ§ͺ make run_workflow again: you should see a workflow like this in your prefect dashboard

c) What if neither model are good enough ?

We have a scenario where neither model is good enough - in that case, we want to send messages to our team and say what has happened with a model depending on the retraining!

❓ Implement the notify task

πŸ‘‡ Code to copy-paste
import requests

def notify(old_mae, new_mae):
    Notify about the performance
    base_url = ''
    channel = 'YOUR_BATCH_NUMBER' # Change to your batch number
    url = f"{base_url}/{channel}/messages"
    author = 'YOUR_GITHUB_NICKNAME' # Change this to your github nickname
    if new_mae < old_mae and new_mae < 2.5:
        content = f"πŸš€ New model replacing old in production with MAE: {new_mae} the Old MAE was: {old_mae}"
    elif old_mae < 2.5:
        content = f"βœ… Old model still good enough: Old MAE: {old_mae} - New MAE: {new_mae}"
        content = f"🚨 No model good enough: Old MAE: {old_mae} - New MAE: {new_mae}"
    data = dict(author=author, content=content)
    response =, data=data)

βœ… When you are all set, track your results on Kitt with make test_kitt

4️⃣ Play the full cycle: from Jan to Jun 2015

❓Instructions (expand me)

4.1) Let's get real with all data! πŸ’ͺ

First, train a full model up to Jan 2015 on all data

direnv reload

ONLY IF you haven't done it yet with all data in the past!

# make run_preprocess


make run_train

βœ… And manually put this first model manually to production.

πŸ“† We are now end January


Compare your current model with a newly trained one

make run_workflow

πŸŽ‰ Our new model retrained on the data in Jan should performs slightly better so we have rolled it into production!

βœ… Check your notification on<user.batch_slug>

πŸ“† We are now end February

direnv reload
make run_workflow

πŸ“† We are now end March

direnv reload
make run_workflow

πŸ“† We are now end April ...

🏁🏁🏁🏁 Congrats on plugging the taxifare package into a fully automated workflow lifecycle!

5️⃣ Optionals

❓Instructions (expand me)

Model Fine-Tuning

  1. Before deciding which model version to put in production, try a couple of hyperparameters during the training phase, by wisely testing (grid-searching?) various values for batch_size, learning_rate and patience.
  2. In addition, after fine-tuning and deciding on a model, try to re-train using the whole new dataset of each month, and not just the "train_new".

Prefect orion server

  1. Try to replace prefect cloud with a locally run prefect local UI
  2. Add a work queue
  3. Put this onto a vm to with a schedule to have a truly automated model lifecycle!


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