This project is a simple implementation of the classic Tic-Tac-Toe game using Java and Swing for the graphical user interface. It provides a fun and interactive way to play Tic-Tac-Toe against another player on the same computer.
The game features a 3x3 grid where players take turns marking a cell with either 'X' or 'O'. The game checks for a winner after each move and announces the winner when one player manages to align three of their marks horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. If all cells are filled without a winner, the game ends in a draw.
Swing is used to create the graphical user interface. It provides a rich set of components for building the game's interface, such as frames, panels, buttons, and labels.
- JFrame: The main window of the application.
- JPanel: Used for organizing other components. Two panels are used: one for the title and another for the game buttons.
- JLabel: Displays text, such as the game's title and whose turn it is.
- JButton: Represents each cell in the 3x3 grid.
- Random Turn Selection: The game randomly selects which player goes first.
- Action Listener: Handles button clicks to mark the cells and check for a win condition.
- Win Checking: After each move, the game checks all possible win conditions to determine if a player has won.
- Disable Buttons on Win: Once a player wins, all buttons are disabled to prevent further moves.
- The main window (JFrame) is set up with a title panel and a button panel.
- Nine buttons (JButton) are added to the button panel to represent the 3x3 grid.
First Turn:
- The game randomly selects which player (X or O) will go first.
- Players take turns clicking on the buttons to mark their moves.
- After each move, the game checks if there is a winner by evaluating all possible win conditions.
Win Condition:
- If a player wins, the winning buttons are highlighted, and a message is displayed.
- All buttons are disabled to prevent further moves.
To run the game, compile and execute the TicTacToe
class. Ensure you have the necessary Java development environment set up.
java TicTacToe