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Azavea Summer of Maps website

  1. Developing locally
  2. Site Structure
  3. Editing the site configuration
  4. Editing Pages
  5. Project Shortlists
  6. Student Projects
  7. Data files
  8. Featured Projects
  9. Ending the year

Developing locally


  • Vagrant 2.0+
  • VirtualBox 5.1+
  • Ansible 2.4+

Getting Started

From your workstation, execute the following command to bring up a Vagrant virtual machine with all of the necessary dependencies installed:

$ ./scripts/setup

Next, login to the Vagrant virtual machine and launch the Jekyll services:

$ vagrant ssh
vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:/vagrant$ ./scripts/server
Recreating vagrant_jekyll_1
Attaching to vagrant_jekyll_1
jekyll_1  | Configuration file: /usr/src/app/_config.yml
jekyll_1  |             Source: /usr/src/app
jekyll_1  |        Destination: /usr/src/app/_site
jekyll_1  |  Incremental build: disabled. Enable with --incremental
jekyll_1  |       Generating...
jekyll_1  |                     done in 11.363 seconds.
jekyll_1  |  Auto-regeneration: enabled for '/usr/src/app'
jekyll_1  | LiveReload address:
jekyll_1  |     Server address:
jekyll_1  |   Server running... press ctrl-c to stop.

In order to build Jekyll's static website output, use:

$ ./scripts/update


The Vagrant configuration creates a host-only private network between the virtual machine host and the Vagrant virtual machine. In order to access the content served by Jekyll, and the LiveReload endpoint, use the following links:

Service URL
Jekyll http://localhost:4000

Site Structure

Data: ./_data/

Within the data folder are YAML files, holding structured data used by other components of the website.

  • categories.yml These are the categories used in project-shortlists
  • dates.yml This file should be updated every year. It contains the timeline breakdown of the session.
  • fellows.yml Fellows/students from all time are listed in this file
  • mentors.yml Mentors for the current session are listed in this file.

Includes ./_includes/

Includes are html partials used in creating the structure of the pages. These rarely are changed.. There are exceptions to the rule, but copy mostly is inherited via a page's front matter.

The homepage, projects and project archives have includes unique to their structure, thus, have folders within.

Layouts ./_layouts/

Layouts are the skeleton of every page. These rarely change.

Project shortlists ./_project-shortlist/

See Project Shortlist

Projects ./_projects/

See Student Projects

Pages ./_pages/

See Editing Pages

Sass ./_sass/

We use .scss for styling.

Site ./_site/

The compiled jekyll site which is served on Github Pages. Do not edit files within.

Assets ./assets/

Contains the favicon, svg icons, images and javascript. The most often accessed files here will be images. Inside you can find fellow and mentor photos, office photos and project images.

CSS ./css/

Should contain only one file: main.scss which includes every file from the above sass directory.

Editing the site configuration

Jekyll Config

The _config.yml file contains a few very important site settings. This is a YAML file. YAML keeps data stored as keys and values associated to those keys. For example:

key: value
title: Azavea Summer of Maps

When you make changes to this file, you must rebuild the entire website for the changes to take effect. If you're working locally, this means you will want to restart ./scripts/server. The most common settings to change are the following:

  • SEO title and description and email
  • Fellowship settings
  • Application links

SEO Title, SEO Description and Email

The first section of the config controls the default SEO values used across the site (title and description).

Additionally, there is an option to set the email address for Summer of Maps. This is currently used

Fellowship settings

The fellowship settings are incredibly important for the functionality of the website. These options will dynamically determine what copy and layouts are used on every page. You can expect to see the following:

  year: 2018
  timeframe: Summer 2018
  in_session: true
    nonprofit_signup: false
    nonprofit_review: false
    student_signup: false
    student_review: true
    student_announcement: false
    fellowship_ongoing: false
  • The fellowship.year key-value pair is used to define the current/upcoming session year. This will affect the project-shortlist displayed on the projects page
  • fellowship.timeframe is used in site copy. This makes quickly changing the general timeframe used in the copy a breeze.
  • fellowship.in_session determines if we are currently in session (are we accepting applications or have an ongoing fellowship?). If set to true, you must set one and only one fellowship.stage.CHILD to true
  • fellowship.stage will determine what part of the process we are in if we are in session.
    • Note: do not add a value pairing to the stage key itself.
    • Only one stage child should be set to true at a time. All others should be false.
    • If in_session is set to false, this will take precedence over all stage options. So no matter if a stage is set to true you will only see copy for when Summer of Maps is out of session.
  • in_session and stage.CHILD only accept true or false as their value pairing.

Application links

Application link values should the the full url to the respective hiring application. These values will typically be used to create buttons throughout the site.

  • nonprofit_app_link is used on the site when fellowship.stage.nonprofit_signup is set to true
  • student_app_link is used on the site when fellowship.stage.student_signup is set to true

Editing Pages

Main pages of the website can be located within the _pages directory of the repo. Every page begins with page- and ends with a descriptive string.

Page front matter settings

Within the front matter of every page are some settings and overrides. An overview of used settings across pages:

Setting Description Type
layout Determines which layout from the _layouts directory this page will uses string
permalink The link users will use to navigate to the page string
page_class A class applied to the body of the page to help with specific styles to the page. string
title SEO Title used in the meta tag within the header string
partials_location This is used is rare cases. If a page is complex, we often break it up into multiple includes inside _includes/FOLDER-NAME/partials.ext. This allows prevents us from repeating code later in the page. See the homepage for an example in use. string
js_dependencies Reference specific javascript assets to be loaded onto the page. string
hide-c2a Determine if the call to action on the bottom of the pae will be included on render. See 404 page boolean
hide-footer Determine if the footer will be included on render. See 404 page boolean
use-intro-imagery Renders three images between hero and content of the page. See About page. boolean
no_hero Determine if the hero will be rendered on build. See 404 page boolean
page specific front matter Many pages will use the front matter for injecting copy into html. Those are generally unique to a page

Jekyll front matter

We take advantage of front matter pretty heavily for copy editing. Front matter is defined via two lines of three dashes each with YAML inside.

front-matter: true

Each page of our site uses front matter to inject copy into our html code. This makes it so you never have to dig through hundreds of lines of html to find the copy you want to change. In addition to copy we also define page variables such as the layout, permalink and seo overrides. Our front matter is typically laid out to follow the natural structure of our page. From top to bottom, the front-matter and actual computed page should line up.

tl;dr: front-matter allows us to use the power of YAML in our html files.

List of pages

Page permalink files
Homepage / page-home.html
About /about/
FAQ /faq/
Contact /contact/ page-contact.html
Projects /projects/ page-projects.html
Project Archive /projects/all page-project-all.html
Project Years /projects/{{year}} page-projects-{{year}}.html
Shortlist {{year}} /projects/shortlist/{{year}} page-shortlist-{{year}}.html
Fellow Guide /fellow-guide/
Non Profit Guide /nonprofit-guide/
Thank You /thank-you/ page-thank-you-guide.html

Editing pages

  • Homepage All edits contained in front matter
  • About, FAQ, Fellow and nonprofit guide Hero copy within front matter. Everything else is outside of the front matter written as markdown
  • Contact and Project Shortlists Hero copy within front matter.
  • Projects and Project archives All edits contained in front matter
  • Thank you Copy outside of front matter in html

Project Shortlists

Each year, non profits submit to the Summer of Maps project shortlist. Historically, we have manually created PDF's, but fortunately, Jekyll simplifies this process.

Starting a new year

  • Create a new folder within ./_project-shortlist/ with its name being the year for the shortlist. For example, if collecting shortlists for Summer of Maps 2019, name the folder 2019.
  • Clone one of the page-shortlist-{{year}}.html files in _pages/_shortlist-archives-years of the repo and rename it for the current year. In the case of SoM 2019, you would name it page-shortlist-2019.html
    • Replace every instance of the old year within that file to the current year. Do a find a replace to make sure you don't miss one. VERY IMPORTANT!
    • This creates a unique page where we display only shortlists from that year.
  • Update ./data/categories.yml to include any new categories, but DON'T remove any. The file is used for all years for all time.
    • If you rename/remove a category, it will rename/remove the category through every year

Ending a year

Each shortlist that coincides with a completed project needs to reference that project. Open the shortlist markdown file and edit the front matter to include a reference to the name of the completed project under a completed setting. Note: Do not append the filetype to the project's name. For example:

completed: "2017-clean-air-council"

Creating a shortlist post

Shortlist template:

At the root of ./_project-shortlist/ there is a file containing the template of a shortlist post. You should always reference this file when creating a new post. Shortlist front matter explained:

  • published: accepts true or false and determines if the file will be compiled when the site is built.
  • year: should be the same year as it's parent folder. This is used for filtering.
  • title: The title of the project. This typically ends up as the client name.
  • excerpt: one to two lines shown on the shortlist list view. Not visible on individual post page.
  • client_website: URL of client webpage
  • category: Should be a valid entry from ./_data/categories.yml
  • seo_description: Overrides the defaut site-wide description.

Naming the file:

Naming conventions are important in determining the page slug. Shortlist files should be named: {{year}} and should be kebab-case

Writing the shortlist post

Try to maintain consistency across all shortlist posts. Most posts use <h2> and <h4> within the body for headings. The first header is typically an <h2> while all others are <h4>.

Student Projects

Every year, students should post a writeup of their projects. These write ups are all within ./projects/

Starting a new year

Every year Summer of Maps runs, a new folder named after that year should be made so students can post their projects.

Creating a project post

Project template:

At the root of ./_projects/ there is a file containing the template of a project post. You should always reference this file when creating a new post. Project front matter explained:

  • published: accepts true or false and determines if the file will be compiled when the site is built.
  • year: should be the same year as it's parent folder. This is used for filtering.
  • title: The title of the project. Shows on the project post page
  • client: The client of the project. Shows on the project list page on the individual project card.
  • seo_description: Overrides the defaut site-wide description.
  • fellow: Should be a valid entry from ./_data/fellows.yml. Check to make sure an entry exists for the fellow.
  • articles optional List of articles and press for this project.
    • All articles have two pairs of key-values pairings. A title and a link
  • blogs optional links to blog posts written about this project by the fellow.
    • All blogs have two pairs of key-values pairings. A title and a link
  • featured_image: the name and filetype of the image, which should be placed inside of ./assets/images/projects/{{year}}/... where {{year}} is the year of the project
    • example: 2017-speak-to-your-health-featured.png
  • images: a list of images by name and filetype, which should be placed inside of ./assets/images/projects/{{year}}/... where {{year}} is the year of the project
    • each new image should be prepended with a single dash. - image-name.jpg

Naming the file:

Naming conventions are important in determining the page slug. Project files should be named: {{year}} and should be kebab-case

Data files


The categories for shortlists rarely change year-to-year. It is for this reason, we use a singular file to handle categories for all time. This means by editing any category, you are changing the values for past/current/future years.

  • Each entry should start with a single dash
  • Each entry should be a unique, lowercase single word
    • If editing an entry, you should make sure to update all projects using that entry as a category. Otherwise, the filtering will break.
  • Under each entry is a key-value pairing of name: "Full descript name of category"


The dates should be updated once per year. They are dynamically rendered in the layout of a few pages. These are purely intended to be informational and will not influence the functionality of the site.

Each entry should look like the following:

- date: Month DAY, YEAR
  description: Brief statement about this date
- date: December 4, 2017
  description: Organization application opens


As new fellows/students are accepted into the program they should be given an entry in fellows.yml. This will make creating project posts easier in the future as each project post references a fellow in this file.

Each entry should look like the following:

  name: Sarah Gates
  info: 'Master of Science candidate in Geographic Information Science for Development and Environment at Clark University'
  year: 2017
  image: sarahGates.jpg

A note on the image key: the image referenced here should be a photo of the fellow and should be uploaded to ./assets/images/fellows/


Mentors are typically changing year-to-year, so this file should be updated every year with the current mentors only. This file is used to dynamically display the mentors on the homepage.

Each entry should look like the following:

- name: Daniel McGlone
  shortName: Daniel
  image: mcglone.jpg

A note on the image key: the image referenced here should be a photo of the fellow and should be uploaded to ./assets/images/mentors/

Featured projects

On the /projects/ page there are 5 project cards listed. These can be overriden by adding a setting to individual project posts. Open the project post markdown which should be featured and, in the front matter, add featured: "true".

Only 5 projects can be featured at a time and the page will show only 5. If your post is not showing, you will need to remove the featured setting from another post until you only have 5 featured posts

Ending the year

Congratulations on another successful year of Summer of Maps! There are only a handful of ending year tasks for the website.

Project archive page:

Clone one of the page-projects-{{year}}.html files in _pages/_project-archives-years of the repo and rename it for the year that is closing out. In the case of SoM 2018, you would name it page-shortlist-2018.html

  • Replace every instance of the old year within that file to the current year. Do a find a replace to make sure you don't miss one. VERY IMPORTANT!
  • This creates a unique page where we display only projects from that year.
  • Within the _config.yml change fellowship.in_session = false. It will look something like:
  year: 2018
  in_session: false

Update project shortlists with finished projects

Each shortlist that coincides with a completed project needs to reference that project. Open the shortlist markdown file and edit the front matter to include a reference to the name of the completed project under a completed setting. Note: Do not append the filetype to the project's name. For example:

completed: "2017-clean-air-council"


The landing page for Summer of Maps.







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