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Bug \Confirmation with the anticheat module only.
unable to reproduce to validate issue.
Issue is Closed for whatever reason or resolution provided.
Issues is related to core handling and not anticheat module handling.
Duplicate of a already made issue.
Idea to improve upon the anticheat module.
Issue being evaulated and researched.
Fix Deploy waiting for confirmation from someone to confirm indepently
Fix has been deployed to address the issue in either the module or the core or both.
Out side of the maintainers ability\free time\or understanding and requests help from community devs
Issue is not valid for whatever reason provided.
User needed to Update core\Module to resolve probelm
Only a Partial Resolution to the Issue is made so far.
Feature described as Role Play and will not be a priority of any kind.
Suggestions to change or handle something differently.
Can not fixed or unable to fix for the reason provided.
You can’t perform that action at this time.