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Terraform module overlay to create SCCA compliant Management Logging Components based on the Microsoft Azure Hub-Spoke Architecture using with Azure NoOps.


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Azure NoOps Management Logging Terraform Module

Changelog Notice MIT License TF Registry

This module deploys logging resources (Log Analytics Workspace, Log Solutions and AMPLS) to an operations or security spoke network described in the Microsoft recommended Hub-Spoke network topology.

SCCA Compliance

This module can be SCCA compliant and can be used in a SCCA compliant Network. Enable private endpoints and SCCA compliant network rules to make it SCCA compliant.

For more information, please read the SCCA documentation.

Module Usage

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

module "mod_operational_logging" {
  source  = "azurenoops/overlays-management-logging"
  version = ">= 1.0.0"

  ## Global Settings Configuration  ###

  create_resource_group = true
  location              = var.location
  deploy_environment    = var.deploy_environment
  org_name              = var.org_name
  environment           = var.environment
  workload_name         = var.workload_name

  ## Automation Account Configuration  ###

  # Enable Automation Account Linking to Log Analytics Workspace
  enable_linked_automation_account_creation        = true
  automation_account_sku_name                      = "Basic"
  automation_account_local_authentication_enabled  = true
  automation_account_public_network_access_enabled = true

  ## Logging Configuration  ###

  # Log Analytics Workspace Configuration
  log_analytics_workspace_allow_resource_only_permissions    = true
  log_analytics_workspace_cmk_for_query_forced               = true
  log_analytics_workspace_daily_quota_gb                     = 1
  log_analytics_workspace_internet_ingestion_enabled         = true
  log_analytics_workspace_internet_query_enabled             = true
  log_analytics_workspace_reservation_capacity_in_gb_per_day = 0 # CapacityReservation is not supported in this configuration
  log_analytics_logs_retention_in_days                       = 50
  log_analytics_workspace_sku                                = "PerGB2018"

  # (Optional) Logging Solutions
  # All solutions are not enabled (false) by default
  enable_sentinel           = true
  enable_azure_activity_log = true
  enable_vm_insights        = true

  ## Misc Configuration     ###

  # By default, this will apply resource locks to all resources created by this module.
  # To disable resource locks, set the argument to `enable_resource_locks = false`.
  enable_resource_locks = false

  # Tags
  add_tags = {} # Tags to be applied to all resources


Name Version
terraform >= 1.3
azurenoopsutils ~> 1.0.4
azurerm ~> 3.22


Name Version
azurenoopsutils ~> 1.0.4
azurerm ~> 3.22
random n/a


Name Source Version
lz_management_resources Azure/alz-management/azurerm ~> 0.1
mod_aa_diagnostic_settings azurenoops/overlays-diagnostic-settings/azurerm ~> 1.0
mod_azure_region_lookup azurenoops/overlays-azregions-lookup/azurerm >= 1.0.0
mod_log_diagnostic_settings azurenoops/overlays-diagnostic-settings/azurerm ~> 1.0
mod_loganalytics_sa azurenoops/overlays-storage-account/azurerm >= 0.1.0
mod_scaffold_rg azurenoops/overlays-resource-group/azurerm >= 1.0.1


Name Type
azurerm_role_assignment.law_contributor resource resource
random_id.uniqueString resource
azurenoopsutils_resource_name.ampls_snet data source
azurenoopsutils_resource_name.automation_account data source
azurenoopsutils_resource_name.laws data source
azurenoopsutils_resource_name.logging_st data source
azurenoopsutils_resource_name.user_assigned_identity data source
azurerm_client_config.current data source
azurerm_resource_group.rgrp data source


Name Description Type Default Required
Metric_enable Is this Diagnostic Metric enabled? Defaults to true. bool true no
add_tags Map of custom tags. map(string) {} no
ampls_subnet_custom_name The name of the custom subnet to create for Azure Monitor Private Link Scope. If not set, the name will be generated using the 'name_prefix' and 'name_suffix' variables. If set, the 'name_prefix' and 'name_suffix' variables will be ignored. string null no
automation_account_custom_name The name of the custom automation account to create. If not set, the name will be generated using the 'name_prefix' and 'name_suffix' variables. If set, the 'name_prefix' and 'name_suffix' variables will be ignored. string null no
automation_account_key_vault_key_id The ID of the Key Vault Key to use for Automation Account encryption. string null no
automation_account_key_vault_url The URL of the Key Vault to use for Automation Account encryption. string null no
automation_account_sku_name The SKU of the Automation Account. Possible values are Basic, Free, and Standard. Default is Basic. string "Basic" no
create_logging_resource_group Controls if the logging resource group should be created. If set to false, the resource group name must be provided. Default is true. bool true no
create_resource_group Controls if the resource group should be created. If set to false, the resource group name must be provided. Default is false. bool false no
custom_resource_group_name The name of the custom resource group to create. If not set, the name will be generated using the org_name, workload_name, deploy_environment and environment variables. string null no
days The number of days for which this Retention Policy should apply. number "90" no
default_tags_enabled Option to enable or disable default tags. bool true no
deploy_environment Name of the workload's environnement string n/a yes
diagnostic_setting_enabled_aa_log_categories A list of log categories to be enabled for this diagnostic setting. list(string)
diagnostic_setting_enabled_log_categories A list of log categories to be enabled for this diagnostic setting. list(string)
diagnostic_setting_enabled_metric_categories A list of metric categories to be enabled for this diagnostic setting. list(string) [] no
enable_automation_account_encryption Controls if encryption should be enabled for the Automation Account. Default is false. bool false no
enable_automation_account_local_authentication Controls if local authentication should be enabled for the Automation Account. Default is true. bool true no
enable_automation_account_public_network_access Controls if public network access should be enabled for the Automation Account. Default is true. bool true no
enable_automation_account_user_assigned_identity Controls if a Managed Identity should be created for the Automation Account. Default is false. bool false no
enable_azure_activity_log Controls if Azure Activity Log should be enabled. Default is true. bool false no
enable_azure_security_center Controls if Azure Security Center should be enabled. Default is true. bool false no
enable_container_insights Controls if Container Insights should be enabled. Default is true. bool false no
enable_diagnostic_setting Is this Diagnostic Setting enabled? Defaults to true. bool true no
enable_key_vault_analytics Controls if Key Vault Analytics should be enabled. Default is true. bool false no
enable_linked_automation_account Controls if a linked Automation Account should be created. Default is true. bool true no
enable_linked_automation_account_creation Controls if a linked Automation Account should be created. Default is true. bool true no
enable_monitoring_private_endpoints Enables private endpoints for monitoring resources. Default is true. bool true no
enable_resource_locks (Optional) Enable resource locks, default is false. If true, resource locks will be created for the resource group and the storage account. bool false no
enable_sentinel Controls if Sentinel should be enabled. Default is true. bool false no
enable_service_map Controls if Service Map should be enabled. Default is true. bool false no
enable_vm_insights Controls if VM Insights should be enabled. Default is true. bool false no
environment The Terraform backend environment e.g. public or usgovernment string n/a yes
eventhub_authorization_rule_id Specifies the ID of an Event Hub Namespace Authorization Rule used to send Diagnostics Data. string null no
eventhub_name Specifies the name of the Event Hub where Diagnostics Data should be sent. string null no
existing_resource_group_name The name of the existing resource group to use. If not set, the name will be generated using the org_name, workload_name, deploy_environment and environment variables. string null no
linked_log_analytic_workspace_ids The IDs of the Log Analytics Workspaces to link to the Private Link Scope. list(string) [] no
location Azure region in which instance will be hosted string n/a yes
lock_level (Optional) id locks are enabled, Specifies the Level to be used for this Lock. string "CanNotDelete" no
log_analytics_destination_type Possible values are AzureDiagnostics and Dedicated, default to AzureDiagnostics. When set to Dedicated, logs sent to a Log Analytics workspace will go into resource specific tables, instead of the legacy AzureDiagnostics table. string "AzureDiagnostics" no
log_analytics_logs_retention_in_days The number of days to retain logs for. Possible values are between 30 and 730. Default is 30. number 30 no
log_analytics_workspace_allow_resource_only_permissions Specifies whether the Log Analytics Workspace should only allow access to resources within the same subscription. Defaults to true. bool true no
log_analytics_workspace_cmk_for_query_forced Specifies whether the Log Analytics Workspace should force the use of Customer Managed Keys for query. Defaults to true. bool true no
log_analytics_workspace_daily_quota_gb The daily ingestion quota in GB for the Log Analytics Workspace. Default is 1. number 1 no
log_analytics_workspace_id The ID of the Log Analytics Workspace where logs should be sent. string null no
log_analytics_workspace_internet_ingestion_enabled Should the Log Analytics Workspace support ingestion over the Public Internet? Defaults to true. bool false no
log_analytics_workspace_internet_query_enabled Should the Log Analytics Workspace support querying over the Public Internet? Defaults to true. bool true no
log_analytics_workspace_reservation_capacity_in_gb_per_day The daily ingestion quota in GB for the Log Analytics Workspace. Default is 200. number 200 no
log_analytics_workspace_sku The SKU of the Log Analytics Workspace. Possible values are PerGB2018 and Free. Default is PerGB2018. string "PerGB2018" no
log_enabled Is this Diagnostic Log enabled? Defaults to true. string true no
loganalytics_storage_account_kind The Kind of log analytics storage account to create. Valid options are Storage, StorageV2, BlobStorage, FileStorage, BlockBlobStorage string "StorageV2" no
loganalytics_storage_account_replication_type The Replication Type of log analytics storage account to create. Valid options are LRS, GRS, RAGRS, ZRS, GZRS, RAGZRS. string "GRS" no
loganalytics_storage_account_tier The Tier of log analytics storage account to create. Valid options are Standard and Premium. string "Standard" no
name_prefix Optional prefix for the generated name string "" no
name_suffix Optional suffix for the generated name string "" no
ops_logging_law_custom_name The name of the custom operational logging laws workspace to create. If not set, the name will be generated using the 'name_prefix' and 'name_suffix' variables. If set, the 'name_prefix' and 'name_suffix' variables will be ignored. string null no
ops_logging_law_sa_custom_name The name of the custom operational logging laws storage account to create. If not set, the name will be generated using the 'name_prefix' and 'name_suffix' variables. If set, the 'name_prefix' and 'name_suffix' variables will be ignored. string null no
org_name Name of the organization string n/a yes
retention_policy_enabled Is this Retention Policy enabled? bool false no
storage_account_id The ID of the Storage Account where logs should be sent. string null no
use_location_short_name Use short location name for resources naming (ie eastus -> eus). Default is true. If set to false, the full cli location name will be used. if custom naming is set, this variable will be ignored. bool true no
use_naming Use the Azure NoOps naming provider to generate default resource name. storage_account_custom_name override this if set. Legacy default name is used if this is set to false. bool true no
user_assigned_identity_custom_name The name of the custom user assigned identity to create. If not set, the name will be generated using the 'name_prefix' and 'name_suffix' variables. If set, the 'name_prefix' and 'name_suffix' variables will be ignored. string null no
workload_name Name of the workload_name string n/a yes


Name Description
automation_account_dsc_server_endpoint Automation Account Resource Group Name
automation_account_id Automation Account ID
automation_account_identity Automation Account Identity
automation_account_name Automation Account Name
laws_name LAWS Name
laws_primary_shared_key LAWS Primary Shared Key
laws_resource_id LAWS Resource ID
laws_rgname LAWS Resource Group Name
laws_secondary_shared_key LAWS Primary Shared Key
laws_storage_account_id LAWS Storage Account ID
laws_storage_account_location LAWS Storage Account Location
laws_storage_account_name LAWS Storage Account Name
laws_storage_account_rgname LAWS Storage Account Resource Group Name
laws_workspace_id LAWS Workspace ID


Terraform module overlay to create SCCA compliant Management Logging Components based on the Microsoft Azure Hub-Spoke Architecture using with Azure NoOps.



Security policy


