Splits original pipeline into sub-pipelines that can be run independently or using the blobtoolkit.smk
meta pipeline.
The previous pipeline is available inside the v1 directory.
- align reads to the genome assembly using minimap2. -
- identify and mask repetitive regions using Windowmasker. Masked sequences are used in all blast searches. -
- calculate sequence statistics in 1kb windows for each contig. -
- run BUSCO using specific and basal lineages. Count BUSCOs in 1kb windows for each contig -
- calculate coverage in 1kb windows using mosdepth. -
- aggregate 1kb values into windows of fixed proportion (10%, 1% of contig length) and fixed length (100kb, 1Mb) -
- Diamond blastp search of busco gene models for basal lineages (archaea_odb10
) against the UniProt reference proteomes. -
- Diamond blastx search of assembly contigs against the UniProt reference proteomes. Contigs are split into chunks to allow distribution-based taxrules. Contigs over 1Mb are subsampled by retaining only the most BUSCO-dense 100 kb region from each chunk. -
- NCBI blastn search of assembly contigs with no Diamond blastx match against the NCBI nt database -
- import analysis results into a BlobDir dataset -
- BlobDir validation and static image generation
The various BlobToolKit components can be downloaded from their respecive Github repositories:
mkdir -p ~/blobtoolkit
cd ~/blobtoolkit
git clone -b $VERSION https://github.com/blobtoolkit/blobtools2
git clone -b $VERSION https://github.com/blobtoolkit/specification
git clone -b $VERSION https://github.com/blobtoolkit/pipeline
git clone -b $VERSION https://github.com/blobtoolkit/viewer
Most pipeline dependencies can be installed using conda. The mamba replacement for conda is faster and more stable:
conda install -y -n base -c conda-forge mamba
Use mamba
where you would normally use conda
for creating environments and installing packages. We recommend creating an environment using the env.yaml
file to pin all dependencies:
mamba env create -f ~/blobtoolkit/pipeline/env.yaml
Alternatively create the environment by specifying individual packages:
mamba create -y -n btk_env -c conda-forge -c bioconda -c tolkit \
python=3.8 snakemake docopt defusedxml psutil pyyaml tqdm ujson urllib3 \
entrez-direct minimap2=2.17 seqtk diamond=2 busco=5 \
samtools=1.10 pysam=0.16 mosdepth=0.2.9 tolkein
Activate this environment:
conda activate btk_env
If you already have an environment named btk_env
(e.g. when upgrading from an ealier BlobToolKit version) you will need to run conda env remove -n btk_env
before creating a new environment.
Viewer dependencies, with the exception of firefox and xvfb (use X-Quartz on OS X) are included in the env.yaml
file, but will need to be installed separately if using the altenate install method. If Firefox is not installable on your local compute environment (e.g. a shared cluster), it may be necessary to run the viewer separately:
sudo apt update && sudo apt-get -y install firefox xvfb
conda activate btk_env
mamba install -y -c conda-forge geckodriver selenium pyvirtualdisplay nodejs=14
pip install fastjsonschema;
Running the viewer requires an additional install step in the viewer directory to ensure the required modules are available:
cd ~/blobtoolkit/viewer
npm install
If you are upgrading from a previous version or having difficulty with installation, it may be necessary to delete the node modules directory and run the command again:
cd ~/blobtoolkit/viewer
rm -r node_modules
npm install
Commands below assume that BLobToolKit executables and scripts are available in you PATH:
export PATH=~/blobtoolkit/blobtools2:~/blobtoolkit/specification:~/blobtoolkit/insdc-pipeline/scripts:$PATH
Download the NCBI taxdump
mkdir -p $TAXDUMP;
curl -L ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/taxonomy/new_taxdump/new_taxdump.tar.gz | tar xzf -;
cd -;
Download and extract UniProt reference proteomes
mkdir -p $UNIPROT
wget -q -O $UNIPROT/reference_proteomes.tar.gz \
ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/uniprot/current_release/knowledgebase/reference_proteomes/$(curl \
-vs ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/uniprot/current_release/knowledgebase/reference_proteomes/ 2>&1 | \
awk '/tar.gz/ {print $9}')
tar xf reference_proteomes.tar.gz
touch reference_proteomes.fasta.gz
find . -mindepth 2 | grep "fasta.gz" | grep -v 'DNA' | grep -v 'additional' | xargs cat >> reference_proteomes.fasta.gz
printf "accession\taccession.version\ttaxid\tgi\n" > reference_proteomes.taxid_map
zcat */*/*.idmapping.gz | grep "NCBI_TaxID" | awk '{print $1 "\t" $1 "\t" $3 "\t" 0}' >> reference_proteomes.taxid_map
diamond makedb -p 16 --in reference_proteomes.fasta.gz --taxonmap reference_proteomes.taxid_map --taxonnodes $TAXDUMP/nodes.dmp --taxonnames $TAXDUMP/names.dmp -d reference_proteomes.dmnd
cd -
Download NCBI nt database:
wget "ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/db/nt.??.tar.gz" -P $NT/ &&
for file in $NT/*.tar.gz; do
tar xf $file -C $NT && rm $file;
Download BUSCO data and lineages to allow BUSCO to run in offline mode:
wget -r https://busco-data.ezlab.org/v5/data
find busco-data.ezlab.org -name "*.tar.gz" | parallel "cd {//}; tar -xzf {/}"
The BlobToolKit pipeline requires a YAML format configuration file to specify file locations, parameters and metadata.
accession: GCA_902806685.1
alias: iAphHyp1.1
bioproject: PRJEB36756
biosample: SAMEA994723
file: /volumes/data/by_accession/GCA_902806685.1/assembly/GCA_902806685.1.fasta.gz
level: chromosome
prefix: CADCXM01
scaffold-count: 87
span: 408137179
url: ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/all/GCA/902/806/685/GCA_902806685.1_iAphHyp1.1/GCA_902806685.1_iAphHyp1.1_genomic.fna.gz
download_dir: /volumes/databases/busco_2021_06
- lepidoptera_odb10
- endopterygota_odb10
- insecta_odb10
- arthropoda_odb10
- metazoa_odb10
- eukaryota_odb10
- bacteria_odb10
- archaea_odb10
- eukaryota_odb10
- bacteria_odb10
- archaea_odb10
file: /volumes/data/by_accession/GCA_902806685.1/assembly/field_values.tsv
file: /volumes/data/by_accession/GCA_902806685.1/assembly/sequence_synonyms.tsv
prefix: names
max: 30
- prefix: ERR3316071
platform: ILLUMINA
base_count: 33696183030
file: /volumes/data/by_accession/GCA_902806685.1/reads/ERR3316071_1.fastq.gz;/volumes/data/by_accession/GCA_902806685.1/reads/ERR3316071_2.fastq.gz
url: ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/ERR331/001/ERR3316071/ERR3316071_1.fastq.gz;ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/ERR331/001/ERR3316071/ERR3316071_2.fastq.gz
- prefix: ERR3316069
platform: ILLUMINA
base_count: 33234827596
file: /volumes/data/by_accession/GCA_902806685.1/reads/ERR3316069_1.fastq.gz;/volumes/data/by_accession/GCA_902806685.1/reads/ERR3316069_2.fastq.gz
url: ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/ERR331/009/ERR3316069/ERR3316069_1.fastq.gz;ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/ERR331/009/ERR3316069/ERR3316069_2.fastq.gz
- prefix: ERR3316072
platform: ILLUMINA
base_count: 30325234266
file: /volumes/data/by_accession/GCA_902806685.1/reads/ERR3316072_1.fastq.gz;/volumes/data/by_accession/GCA_902806685.1/reads/ERR3316072_2.fastq.gz
url: ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/ERR331/002/ERR3316072/ERR3316072_1.fastq.gz;ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/ERR331/002/ERR3316072/ERR3316072_2.fastq.gz
revision: 0
blast_chunk: 100000
blast_max_chunks: 10
blast_overlap: 0
blast_min_length: 1000
taxdump: /volumes/databases/taxdump_2021_06
tmp: /tmp
evalue: 1.0e-10
import_evalue: 1.0e-25
max_target_seqs: 10
taxrule: buscogenes
name: reference_proteomes
path: /volumes/databases/uniprot_2021_06
name: reference_proteomes
path: /volumes/databases/uniprot_2021_06
import_max_target_seqs: 100000
name: nt
path: /volumes/databases/ncbi_nt_2021_06
name: Maniola hyperantus
taxid: '2795564'
version: 1
In this example, url:
definitions are optional and used to show the source for publicly available files. The file:
keys give locations of the files locally and must be completed.
The assembly span:
and reads base_count:
need only be specified if reads coverage max:
is to be used for the purposes of subsampling read files when mapping.
BUSCO will be run for all lineages:
in the busco section. Any lineages also specified in basal_lineages:
will be used as sources of BUSCO genes for the diamond_blastp step.
Two taxrules are used to infer taxonomy from blast hits. The default buscogenes
taxrule uses results from diamond blastp searches of genes from the basal BUSCO lineages. The alternate buscoregions
taxrule uses diamond blastx and NCBI blastn searches of regions containing a high density of genes from the most-specific lineage (i.e. the first lineage listed in the config). This was the default taxrule up to v2.5 (named bestdistorder
) and can be restored as the default by setting taxrule: buscoregions
under similarity:
-> defaults:
Additional values can be specified by specifying files in fields:
. Multiple files can be specified by using unique keys and each will be imported using the blobtools2 --text
import. The key synonyms:
may be used to import synonyms, all other keys will be treated as containing columns of category or variable data. Category/variable names must be specified in a header row, e.g.:
identifier status
LR761647.1 Autosome
LR761648.1 Autosome
LR761649.1 Autosome
LR761650.1 Allosome
LR761651.1 Autosome
CADCXM010000001.1 Scaffold
CADCXM010000002.1 Scaffold
For public assemblies, the script scripts/generate_config.py
will fetch copies of assembly and read files and generate a YAML config file. There is also a run_btk_pipeline.sh
wrapper script that will call generate_config.py
and run the full meta pipeline when called with a public assembly accession:
run_btk_pipeline.sh GCA_902806685.1
The snakemake command in this script may be used as an example for running the pipeline on local assemblies.