Control (all) your camera(s) in your Recon Snow2 or Jet HUD
I decided to open my first application to others cameras so I renamed it MyCamRemote.
This app is a Camera Remote clone on Recon Snow2 and Jet Hud. With it, you can preview the camera view, launch the record, change mode, change settings, see the % of battery or just see that your camera is still working.
The communication between the Hud and the camera is made by Wi-fi. You just need to connect you hud's wi-fi to your camera's network name the first time and launch your MyCameraRemote app. For this, go to Settings on your Hud, Advanced / wifi and add your camera(s). You must do this just for the fist time, and each time you change your camera's network name or password.
With this version, you will have :
the Power and select buton the Record buton the Settings buton (up to 6 presets)
You can Power On, Power Off, change Mode between camera, photo, burst and timelapse, take movies and photos and preview before record (no preview while recording).
Snow2 or Jet running the latest firmware, Works with the GoPro® Hero[3, 3+ or 4] camera with wi-fi on, so normaly Silver, White and of course Black edition.
I have tested with my Snow2 smith Optics goggles, Recon Jet, a GoPro® Hero 3 Black Edition, a GoPro® Hero 4 Black Edition and a GoPro® Hero 4 Silver Edition.
The refresh of camera's status is made every 3s so be careful of your battery life, the wi-fi consumes a lot, you can change this interval in global app settings. I suggest you 3s, not less.
You can send me comment and feedback here or by mail : [email protected]
I used partial unfinished "GoproJavaAPI" from Adriano Gonella for my project.
#ToDo list :
Status Interface :
- add lowlight icon with gp4
- add hot temp icon
add up/down iconadd all modes supportimprove camera offline detectionimprove camera wifi lost detectionchange protune's logo (shorter)- add gp model text
- add a help screen with remote picture while loading
add a help screen for JetChange keys for easier use with Jet- improuve communication between camera and hud
- warning icon when wi-fi signal lost
add NoSDCard status- option for mode cycle (main or all)
Global settings :
change global settings designadd global refresh rate optionadd "add bssid prefix"
Preview(s) :
improve gp3 preview- add gp4 preview
Global :
- change Wifi GP detection to automatic proccess
- add "turn off wifi" capacity as option while return to main screen
- look for activity animation
- media browser
support for GP4 session
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