#divjot awesomely plain live web editor
[Try divjot] (https://bFraley.github.io/divjot) or clone or download it, and open index.html in a browser.
If you whip up something cool, feel free to share a [screenshot] (https://github.com/bFraley/divjot/wiki/Screenshots) in the [divjot wiki !] (https://github.com/bFraley/divjot/wiki)
Press Alt + space
to show or hide all 3 editors.
- Jot down ideas in HTML, CSS, and JS.
- Fast prototyping.
- Trying out example code.
- Developing and A/B testing web apps and sites.
- Cross browser, device, and screen responsive testing.
Recently added the ability to import .js
and .css
Enter the JavaScript or CSS resource in the import field and click the +
The resource gets appended to the <head>
element of divjot's index.html page.
To 'load' HTML files or any other content file from your computer into the HTML editor,
just click open file and select one to open. The contents of the file immediately loads
into the HTML editor and renders to the screen. It's probably best to delete any html
, and body
tags from the new content in the editor, or there could be some unexpected
results from loading a complete HTML file. Perhaps in the future, divjot will have an option
that will only load the content within the body
tags of any HTML files that users load.
More so, another option could import the CSS and JS resources from an HTML file's <head>
element. For now, just load and edit content from files as you wish.
###Development goals: There's more default features to complete. Then there will be the following versions of the codebase released:
- Local app
- Single JS file to load divjot 'on top of' live websites.
- Web browser extensions.