Python IMDB client using the IMDB json web service made available for their iOS app.
To install imdbpie, simply:
pip install imdbpie
from imdbpie import Imdb
imdb = Imdb()
imdb = Imdb(anonymize=True) # to proxy requests
# Creating an instance with caching enabled
# Note that the cached responses expire every 2 hours or so.
# The API response itself dictates the expiry time)
imdb = Imdb(cache=True)
# Specify optional cache directory, the default is '/tmp/imdbpiecache'
imdb = Imdb(cache=True, cache_dir='/tmp/imdbpie-cache-here')
imdb.find_by_title("The Dark Knight") => [{'title' : "The Dark Knight", 'year' : "2008", 'imdb_id' : "tt0468569"}, {'title' : "Batman Unmasked", ...}]
imdb.find_by_title("The Dark Knight", 2013) => [{'imdb_id': u'tt2166834', 'title': u'Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2',
'year': u'2013'}, {'imdb_id': u'tt2257218', 'title': u'The Dark Knight Retires', 'year': u'2013'}, ...]
# search only by title
imdb.find_by_title(title='Francotirador', kind='movie', exact_title=True)
[] # found nothing
imdb.find_by_title(title='Francotirador', production_year=2014, exact_title=True)
[] # found nothing
imdb.find_by_title(title='Francotirador', aka_titles=['American Sniper'], kind='movie', exact_title=True)
[{'episode_title': u'',
'imdb_id': u'tt2179136',
'kind': None,
'title': u'American Sniper',
'year': u'2014'}]
imdb.find_by_title(title='Episode (#2.49)', production_year=1973, episode_for='The New Price Is Right', kind='tv episode', aka_titles=['the price is right'])
[{'episode_title': u'The Price Is Right: Episode #2.49',
'imdb_id': u'tt1187172',
'kind': u'TV episode',
'title': u'The Price Is Right',
'year': u'1973'}]
movie = imdb.find_movie_by_id("tt0468569")
movie.title => "The Dark Knight"
movie.rating => 8.1
movie.certification => "PG-13"
person = imdb.find_person_by_id("nm0001486") => "Sidney Lumet"
movie = imdb.find_movie_by_id("tt1210166")
movie.trailer_url => ""
imdb.top_250() => [{'title': 'The Shawshank Redemption', 'year': '1994', 'type': 'feature', 'rating': 9.3,...}, ...]
imdb.popular_shows() => [{'title' : "Glee", 'year' : "2009", 'imdb_id' => "tt1327801"}, {'title' : "Dexter", ...}]
Returns either True or False
imdb.movie_exists('tt1327801') => True
imdb.validate_id('tt1000') => tt0001000
Returns a list of image objects with the following attributes (caption, url, width, height)
images = imdb.person_images("tt0468569")
Returns a list of image objects with the following attributes (caption, url, width, height)
images = imdb.title_images("tt0468569")
Returns a list of Review objects with the following attributes (username, text, date, rating, summary, status, user_location, user_score, user_score_count)
reviews = imdb.title_reviews("tt0468569")
movie = imdb.find_movie_by_id("tt1210166")
for person in movie.credits:
# check if they are a writer
if person.token == 'writers':
print + ' is a writer'
print + ' is not a writer'
1. Python 2 or 3
2. Python requests -