ShrimpMonitor is a platform for monitoring water quality attributes specifically for indoor shrimp aquaculture.
The system uses an ATMega based microcontroller, and environmental sensors to monitor attributes such as:
- Dissolved Oxygen
- Temperature
- pH
- Salinity
- Oxidation Reduction Potential
- Turbidity (soon to be added)
The microcontroller writes sensor information to an AWS (Amazon Web Services) SQS queue.
ShrimpMonitor uses many open source tools. The web front end is written in Ruby on Rails, with D3JS for graphing of data, using Twitter Bootstrap for responsive layout.
Is essentially non existent so far - will add when I have more time.
Have not written any tests yet, on the todo list.
##License [GPLv3] (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html)