Integrate Home Wizzard Energy P1 meter into Victron Energies Venus OS
With the scripts in this repo it should be easy possible to install, uninstall, restart a service that connects the Shelly 3EM to the VenusOS and GX devices from Victron. Idea is pasend on @RalfZim project linked below.
This project is my first on GitHub and with the Victron Venus OS, so I took some ideas and approaches from the following projects - many thanks for sharing the knowledge:
- - Old Thread
- Home Wizzard Energy P1 with latest firmware
- 1 or 3-Phase installation (normal for Netherlands)
- Connected to Wifi network "A"
- IP
- Victron Energy Cerbo GX with Venus OS - Firmware v3.11
- No other devices from Victron connected (still waiting for shipment of Multiplus-2)
- Connected to Wifi network "A"
- IP
As mentioned above the script is inspired by @RalfZim fronius smartmeter implementation. So what is the script doing:
- Running as a service
- connecting to DBus of the Venus OS
- After successful DBus connection Home Wizzard P1 is accessed via REST-API - simply the /status is called and a JSON is returned with all details A sample JSON file from Home Wizzard Energy P1 can be found here
- Serial is taken from the response as device serial
- Paths are added to the DBus with default value 0 - including some settings like name, etc
- After that a "loop" is started which pulls Home Wizzard P1 data every 750ms from the REST-API and updates the values in the DBus
Thats it 😄
Just grap a copy of the main branche and copy them to /data/dbus-Home-Wizzard-Energy-P1
After that call the script.
The following script should do everything for you:
unzip "dbus-Home-Wizzard-Energy-P1-main/*" -d /data
mv /data/dbus-Home-Wizzard-Energy-P1-main /data/dbus-Home-Wizzard-Energy-P1
chmod a+x /data/dbus-Home-Wizzard-Energy-P1/
Within the project there is a file /data/dbus-Home-Wizzard-Energy-P1/config.ini
- just change the values - most important is the host, username and password in section "ONPREMISE". More details below:
Section | Config vlaue | Explanation |
DEFAULT | AccessType | Fixed value 'OnPremise' |
DEFAULT | SignOfLifeLog | Time in minutes how often a status is added to the log-file current.log with log-level INFO |
DEFAULT | CustomName | Name of your device - usefull if you want to run multiple versions of the script |
DEFAULT | DeviceInstance | DeviceInstanceNumber e.g. 40 |
DEFAULT | Role | Fixed value: 'GRID' |
DEFAULT | Position | Fixed value: 0 = AC |
DEFAULT | LogLevel | Define the level of logging - lookup: |
DEFAULT | Phases | 1 for 1 phase system / 3 for 3 phase system |
ONPREMISE | Host | IP or hostname of on-premise Shelly 3EM web-interface |
- DBus paths for Victron namespace GRID
- DBus paths for Victron namespace PVINVERTER
- DBus API from Victron
- How to get root access on GX device/Venus OS
This module/repository has been posted on the following threads: