- youtube-dl
- ffmpeg
Setup .envrc.local with a YOUTUBE_API_KEY and VIDEO_DIR_PATH, or add a config file at ~/.config/yt-up2date/config.json:
"YoutubeAPIKey": "YOUTUBE_API_KEY goes here, see API dashboard",
"VideoDirPath": "/your/video/storage/path"
Create folders in the Vide Dir Path for each Youtube Channel. Add a config.json with something like the following:
"name": "FolderName",
"rssURL": "https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=CHANNEL_ID",
"channelURL": "https://www.youtube.com/channel/CHANNEL_ID",
"archivalMode": "curated"
ArchivalMode can be "curated" or "archive".
go generate
- Initial implementation of API Video lookup functions
- Reimplement Up2Date functionality with Youtube API
- Check out etag system for youtube API
- Job function WIP
- Unite all the disparate Video representations
- Refactor disk lookups for more speed