The Azure Insights connector allows you to query Azure Time-series Insights through the REST API. It also allows you to access metadata on environments along with querying for events and aggregates. It handles OAuth 2.0 authentication.
The ballerinax/azure.timeseries
module allows you to perform the following operations.
- Get all available environment meta data
- Get environment availability
- Get environment metadata
- Query environment for events
- Query environment for aggregates
Versions | |
Ballerina Language | Swan Lake Preview5 |
Azure Time-series Insights API | 2016-12-12 |
There are 2 clients provided by Ballerina to interact with different API groups of the Timeseries Insights REST API.
azure.timeseries:InsightsClient - This client is the top-most client in the Timeseries module. This can be used to get the relevant metadata associated with the environments available to the user.
azure.timeseries:EnvironmentClient - This client can be used to get metadata or query a specific environment.
Download and install Ballerina.
Execute the below command to pull the Azure.Timeseries
module from Ballerina Central:
ballerina pull ballerinax/azure.timeseries
The EnvironmentClient getEvents()
remote function can be used to query events available in the environment.
import ballerina/log;
import ballerinax/azure.timeseries;
timeseries:ConnectionConfiguration connConfig = {
tenantId: <Tenant Id>,
clientId: <Client id>,
clientSecret: <Client secret>
public function main() {
timeseries:EnvironmentClient environmentClient = new(<Environment FQDN>, connConfig);
EventsRequest eventsRequest = {
searchSpan: {
'from: {
dateTime: "2019-12-30T00:00:00.000Z"
to: {
dateTime: "2021-12-30T00:00:00.000Z"
predicate: {
eq: {
'left: {
property: "latitude",
'type: "Double"
'right: 3.14
top: {
sort: [
input: {
builtInProperty: "$ts"
count: 5
var response = environmentClient->getEvents(eventsRequest);
if (response is EventsResponse) {
io:println("Events " +;
} else {