Some code to make philips air purifier accessible and controllable via mqtt
I wrote this code for me to have the air quality values of my philips airpurifier handy, and beeing able to log them. Further more I wanted to controll the airpurifier via mqtt to be able to integrate it into my smart home setup.
This scripts / This docker-container creates a bridge between coap (the protocol used by the purifier) and mqtt. It is push based and doesn't poll values, so propagation should be near instantanious.
Setup your Airpurifier to use your wifi and find its IP-Adress.
After that adapt the settings in coapconfig.json
and mqttconfig.json
build the docker-container, and run it (either using docker-compse, or docker. If you use docker you need to mount the settings folder to /app/settings
The settings are stored in the settings
There should be to files:
This file is used to store all settings needed to connect to the mqtt broker.
Values should be selfexplainatory.
Important: mqttPrefix
should end with a '/'
"mqttAddress": "",
"mqttPort": 1883,
"username": "coapMqttUser",
"password": "coapMqttPassword",
"mqttPrefix": "coap2mqtt/"
This is the main config file, it sets the ip of the airpurifier (coapHost
) and the prefix used in mqtt to publish the values (mqttSensorPrefix
). Further more the mapping of coapKeys to mqttKeys is defined here (publishParamsList
) but there shouldn't be any need to change those mappings.
"publishParamsList": [
{"coapKey":"ConnectType", "mqttKey":"status"},
{"coapKey":"pm25", "mqttKey":"sensor/pm25/state", "updateOnlyIfDifferenceIsMoreThen":1},
{"coapKey":"tvoc", "mqttKey":"sensor/tvoc/state"},
{"coapKey":"iaql", "mqttKey":"sensor/allergene/state"},
{"coapKey":"aqil", "mqttKey":"sensor/brightness/state"},
{"coapKey":"fltsts0", "mqttKey":"filter/prefilterclean"},
{"coapKey":"fltsts1", "mqttKey":"filter/hepafilterreplace"},
{"coapKey":"fltsts2", "mqttKey":"filter/activecarbonfilterreplace"},
{"coapKey":"mode", "mqttKey":"mode", "mqttControll": true},
{"coapKey":"om", "mqttKey":"fanspeed", "mqttControll": true},
{"coapKey":"pwr", "mqttKey":"power", "mqttControll": true},
{"coapKey":"uil", "mqttKey":"buttonlight"}
"mqttSensorPrefix": "philips-airpurifier",
"coapHost": ""
- philips-airpurifier
- sensor
- pm25
- state = <value | number>
- tvoc
- state = <value | number>
- allergene
- state = <value | number>
- brightness
- state = <value | number>
- pm25
- status = <value | string Online>
- filter
- prefilterclean = <value | hours>
- hepafilterreplace = <value | hours>
- activecarbonfilterreplace = <value | hours>
- mode = <value | AG | S | T ...>
- fanspeed = <value | s | 1 | 2 | 3 ...>
- power = <value | 1 | 0 >
- buttonlight =
- sensor
- Philips AC3033
- AC1214
- AC2729
- AC2889
- AC2939
- AC3059
- AC3829
- AC3858
- AC4236