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Update benchmark_w_matlab.jl
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Tortar authored Dec 6, 2024
1 parent b377cd5 commit f17e5ca
Showing 1 changed file with 89 additions and 70 deletions.
159 changes: 89 additions & 70 deletions examples/benchmark_w_matlab.jl
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@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@

## Comparing the performance of the Julia and MATLAB implementations

# We can compare the performance of the Julia and MATLAB implementations
# by running the same model for the same number of epochs and measuring
# the time taken.

using BeforeIT, StatsPlots, Statistics, ThreadPinning
using BeforeIT, CairoMakie, Statistics, ThreadPinning


Expand All @@ -29,78 +28,98 @@ T = 12
@time run(parameters, initial_conditions, T; multi_threading = true);

# Time taken by the MATLAB code and the Generated C code with MATLAB Coder
# (6 threads for the parallel version), computed independently on an AMD Ryzen 5 5600H
matlab_times = [4.399592, 4.398576, 4.352314, 4.385039, 4.389989]
matlab_times ./= T
matlab_times = [matlab_times, [2000.189556, 1990.485305, 2002.295329, 1994.215843, 1993.651854]]
matlab_time = mean.(matlab_times)
matlab_time_std = std.(matlab_times)

c_times = [0.952, 0.940, 0.951, 0.942, 0.938]
c_times ./= T
c_times = [c_times, [574.692, 576.725, 572.382, 573.921, 575.949]]
c_time = mean.(c_times)
c_time_std = std.(c_times)

c_times_multi_thread = [0.305, 0.324, 0.330, 0.334, 0.323]
c_times_multi_thread ./= T
c_times_multi_thread = [c_times_multi_thread, [162.603, 160.197, 161.610, 160.759, 161.174]]
c_time_multi_thread = mean.(c_times_multi_thread)
c_time_multi_thread_std = std.(c_times_multi_thread)

# Time taken by the Julia code (same platform as in the the matlab benchmarks),
# (4 threads for the parallel version), computed independently on an
# AMD Ryzen 5 5600H
matlab_times_small = [4.399592, 4.398576, 4.352314, 4.385039, 4.389989] ./ T
matlab_times_big = [2000.189556, 1990.485305, 2002.295329, 1994.215843, 1993.651854]
matlab_mtime_small = mean(matlab_times_small)
matlab_stime_small = std(matlab_times_small)
matlab_mtime_big = mean(matlab_times_big)
matlab_stime_big = std(matlab_times_big)

c_times_small = [0.952, 0.940, 0.951, 0.942, 0.938] ./ T
c_times_big = [574.692, 576.725, 572.382, 573.921, 575.949]
c_mtime_small = mean(c_times_small)
c_stime_small = std(c_times_small)
c_mtime_big = mean(c_times_big)
c_stime_big = std(c_times_big)

c_times_small_multi = [0.305, 0.324, 0.330, 0.334, 0.323] ./ T
c_times_big_multi = [209.603, 210.197, 209.610, 211.759, 209.174]
c_mtime_small_multi = mean(c_times_small_multi)
c_stime_small_multi = std(c_times_small_multi)
c_mtime_big_multi = mean(c_times_big_multi)
c_stime_big_multi = std(c_times_big_multi)

# timings from "High-performance computing implementations of agent-based
# economic models for realizing 1: 1 scale simulations of large
# economies", A. Gill et al. (2021)
hpc_mtime_big_multi = 22.92
hpc_mtime_big = hpc_mtime_big_multi*4

# Time taken by the Julia code (same platform as in the matlab benchmarks),
# computed as the average of 5 runs
n_runs = 5

julia_times_1_thread = zeros(n_runs)
julia_times_small = zeros(n_runs)
for i in 1:n_runs
julia_times_1_thread[i] = @elapsed run(parameters, initial_conditions, T; multi_threading = false);
julia_times_small[i] = @elapsed run(parameters, initial_conditions, T; multi_threading = false);
julia_times_1_thread ./= T
julia_times_1_thread = [julia_times_1_thread, [56.593792, 56.297404, 54.682004, 55.079674, 55.192496]]
julia_time_1_thread = mean.(julia_times_1_thread)
julia_time_1_thread_std = std.(julia_times_1_thread)

julia_times_multi_thread = zeros(n_runs)
julia_times_small ./= T
julia_times_big = [56.593792, 56.297404, 54.682004, 55.079674, 55.192496]
julia_mtime_small = mean(julia_times_small)
julia_stime_small = std(julia_times_small)
julia_mtime_big = mean(julia_times_big)
julia_stime_big = std(julia_times_big)

julia_times_small_multi = zeros(n_runs)
for i in 1:5
julia_times_multi_thread[i] = @elapsed run(parameters, initial_conditions, T; multi_threading = true);
julia_times_small_multi[i] = @elapsed run(parameters, initial_conditions, T; multi_threading = true);
julia_times_multi_thread ./= T
julia_times_multi_thread = [julia_times_multi_thread, [30.775353, 29.533283, 30.594063, 30.469412, 30.521846]]
julia_time_multi_thread = mean.(julia_times_multi_thread)
julia_time_multi_thread_std = std.(julia_times_multi_thread)

# Get the number of threads used
n_threads = Threads.nthreads()

theme(:default, bg = :white)

means = reduce(hcat, [matlab_time, c_time, c_time_multi_thread,
julia_time_1_thread, julia_time_multi_thread])'

stds = reduce(hcat, [matlab_time_std, c_time_std, c_time_multi_thread_std,
julia_time_1_thread_std, julia_time_multi_thread_std])'

ix1, ix2 = [1], [2]
means1, means2 = means[:, ix1], means[:, ix2]

scaler = maximum(means1) / maximum(means2)

means[:, ix2] .*= scaler
stds[:, ix2] .*= scaler

labels = ["MATLAB", "Gen. C, 1 thread", "Gen. C, 6 threads", "BeforeIT.jl, 1 thread", "BeforeIT.jl, 6 threads"]

p3 = groupedbar(means, yerr = stds, ylabel="mean time for one epoch (s)",
labels=["\$8\\cdot10^3\\textrm{\\:agents}\$" "\$8\\cdot10^6\\textrm{\\:agents}\$"],
xticks=(1:size(means,1), labels), foreground_color_legend=nothing, xtickfont = font(5),
ytickfont = font(8), guidefont = font(8), grid=false, dpi=1200);

plot!(twinx(), ylims=ylims(p3)./scaler, ylabel="",
xtickfont = font(5), ytickfont = font(8), guidefont = font(8))

# Save the image

# The Julia implementation is faster than the MATLAB implementation, and the multi-threaded version is
# faster than the single-threaded version.
julia_times_small_multi ./= T
julia_times_big_multi = [35.775353, 34.933283, 35.594063, 35.469412, 35.521846]
julia_mtime_small_multi = mean(julia_times_small_multi)
julia_stime_small_multi = std(julia_times_small_multi)
julia_mtime_big_multi = mean(julia_times_big_multi)
julia_stime_big_multi = std(julia_times_big_multi)

labels = ["MATLAB", "Gen. C, 1 core", "Gen. C, 4 cores", "HPC, 1 core*", "HPC, 4 cores*",
"BeforeIT.jl, 1 core", "BeforeIT.jl, 4 cores"]

# Create the layout
fig = Figure(size = (800, 400));

ax1 = Axis(fig[1, 1], ylabel="time for one epoch (s)", title="Model with 8 thousands agents")
ax2 = Axis(fig[1, 2], title="Model with 8 millions agents")

times_small = [matlab_mtime_small, c_mtime_small, c_mtime_small_multi, julia_mtime_small, julia_mtime_small_multi]
bar_labels = :y,
ylims!(ax1, 0, 1.15*maximum(times_small))

ax1.yticklabelspace = 25.0
ax1.xticks = (1:5, [labels[1:3]..., labels[6:end]...])
ax1.xticklabelrotation = 45.0
ax1.xgridvisible = false

times_big = [matlab_mtime_big, c_mtime_big, c_mtime_big_multi, hpc_mtime_big, hpc_mtime_big_multi,
julia_mtime_big, julia_mtime_big_multi]

ylims!(ax2, 0, 1.15*maximum(times_big))
round.(times_big, digits=1),
bar_labels = :y
ax2.xticks = (1:7, labels)
ax2.xticklabelrotation = 45.0
ax2.xgridvisible = false

# Save or display the layout

save("benchmark_w_matlab.png", fig)

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