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Screenplay Architecture is a plugin that enables the creation of structured projects used for REST and UX test automation.


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Scaffolding of ScreenPlay Architecture

Gradle plugin to create a java application based on ScreenPlay Architecture following our best practices.

Plugin implementation

To use the plugin you need Gradle version 8.6 or later, to start add the following section into your build.gradle file.

plugins {
    id "" version "1.0.0"

or if is a new project execute this script in the root directory of your project.

echo "plugins {
  id \"\" version \"1.0.0\"
}" > build.gradle


The Scaffolding ScreenPlay Architecture plugin will allow you run 7 tasks:

Generate Project

The screenPlayArchitecture | spa task will generate a ScreenPlay architecture structure in your project, this task has 3 optional parameters; projectName , groupId and principalPackage. If you run this task on an existing project it will override the build.gradle file.

  • projectName = ProjectName: This parameter is going to specify name of the project. Default value = Screenplay_architecture
  • groupId = <>: You can specify your domain, this parameter going to use for package structure. Default value =
  • principalPackage = package container: This parameter going to like package container and is a complement for groupId. Default value = screen
  • type = choose between REST or UX: This parameter going to specify type automation will be create. Default value = UX
gradle screenPlayArchitecture --projectName=Team_moduloPrueba --principalPackage=moduloprueba --type=REST
gradle spa --projectName=Team_moduloPrueba --principalPackage=moduloprueba --type=REST

The structure will look like this for java:

   ┣ 📂src
   ┃ ┣ 📂main
   ┃ ┃ ┗ 📂java
   ┃ ┃   ┗ 📂co
   ┃ ┃     ┗ 📂com
   ┃ ┃       ┗ 📂bancolombia
   ┃ ┃         ┗ 📂certificacion
   ┃ ┃           ┗ 📂[principalPackage]
   ┃ ┃             ┣ 📂exceptions
   ┃ ┃             ┣ 📂integrations
   ┃ ┃             ┣ 📂interactions
   ┃ ┃             ┣ 📂models
   ┃ ┃             ┣ 📂questions
   ┃ ┃             ┣ 📂tasks
   ┃ ┃             ┣ 📂userinterfaces
   ┃ ┃             ┗ 📂utils
   ┃ ┗ 📂test
   ┃   ┣ 📂java
   ┃   ┃ ┗ 📂co
   ┃   ┃   ┗ 📂com
   ┃   ┃     ┗ 📂bancolombia
   ┃   ┃       ┗ 📂certificacion
   ┃   ┃         ┗ 📂[principalPackage]
   ┃   ┃           ┣ 📂runners
   ┃   ┃           ┗ 📂stepdefinitions
   ┃   ┗ 📂resources          
   ┃     ┗ 📂features         
   ┣ 📜build.gradle
   ┗ 📜settings.gradle

Generate Features

The generateFeature | gft task will generate feature files inside features folder, this task has two required parameter name and nameSubFolder also, there are 1 parameters optional examples

  • name = name_feature: This parameter is going to specify the name of the feature class. field is required
  • examples = true: This parameter is going to specify if Scenario Outline are needed. field for default is false
  • nameSubFolder = nameSubFolder: This parameter is going to specify the name of the subfolder that will contain the feature files. field is requered.
  gradle generateFeature --name=feature_name --nameSubFolder=[nameSubFolder] --examples=[optionalBoolValue] 
  gradle gft --name=feature_name --nameSubFolder=[nameSubFolder] --examples=[optionalBoolValue] 
   ┃   ┣ 📂java
   ┃   ┗ 📂resources          
   ┃     ┗ 📂features
   ┃       ┗ 📂[nameSubFolder]
   ┃         ┗ 📜[feature_name].feature

Generate Runners

The generateRunner | grun task will generate runners classes inside runners package, this task has one required parameter name

  • name = NameRunner: This parameter is going to specify the name of the runner class. field is required
  • folderName = package name: This parameter is going to specify the name of the package that will contain the runners classes. field is required
  gradle generateRunner --name=runnerClassName --folderName=runnerspackage
  gradle grun --name=runnerClassName --folderName=runnerspackage
┃ ┗ 📂test
┃   ┣ 📂java
┃   ┃ ┗ 📂co
┃   ┃   ┗ 📂com
┃   ┃     ┗ 📂bancolombia
┃   ┃       ┗ 📂certificacion
┃   ┃         ┗ 📂[principalPackage]
┃   ┃           ┣ 📂runners
┃   ┃           ┃ ┗ 📂[runnerspackage]
┃   ┃           ┃   ┗ 📜[name].java

Generate Rest Interaction

The generateRestInteraction | gri task will generate the rest interaction classes, this task has one required parameters typeInteraction

  • typeInteraction = interaction: This parameter is going to specify the type of interaction to use. field is required
  • nameInteraction = Interaction: This parameter is going to specify the name of interaction to use. This field is required only when you choose GENERIC as type of interaction class
  gradle generateRestInteraction --typeInteraction=[typeInteraction]
  gradle gri --typeInteraction=[typeInteraction] 
Reference for typeInteraction Name
Generic Generic interaction
Post Rest Post
Get Rest Get
Options Rest Options
Patch Rest Patch
Put Rest Put
 ┣ 📂src
 ┃ ┣ 📂main
 ┃ ┃ ┗ 📂java
 ┃ ┃   ┗ 📂co
 ┃ ┃     ┗ 📂com
 ┃ ┃       ┗ 📂bancolombia
 ┃ ┃         ┗ 📂certificacion
 ┃ ┃           ┗ 📂[principalPackage]
 ┃ ┃             ┣ 📂exceptions
 ┃ ┃             ┣ 📂integrations
 ┃ ┃             ┣ 📂interactions
 ┃ ┃             ┃ ┣ 📜[Post].java
 ┃ ┃             ┃ ┣ 📜[Get].java
 ┃ ┃             ┃ ┣ 📜[Put].java
 ┃ ┃             ┃ ┣ 📜[Options].java  
 ┃ ┃             ┃ ┣ 📜[Patch].java  
 ┃ ┃             ┃ ┣ 📜[nameInteraction].java

Generate Tasks

The generateTask | gtk task will generate the Rest task or Ux class, this task has two required parameter name and typeTask

  • name = nameTaskClass: This parameter is going to specify the name task class to use. field is required
  • typeTask = Rest: This parameter is going to specify the type task class to use. field is required
  • method = typeTask: If you choose 'Rest' for the typeTask field, the 'method' field becomes mandatory, as it constructs the Task list for REST consumption. field is required
  gradle generateTask --name=[nameTaskClass] --typeTask=[typeTask] --method=[optionalField]
  gradle gtk --name=[nameTaskClass] --typeTask=[typeTask] --method=[optionalField]
Reference for typeTask Name
Rest Rest Rest
Ux Rest Ux
 ┣ 📂src
 ┃ ┣ 📂main
 ┃ ┃ ┗ 📂java
 ┃ ┃   ┗ 📂co
 ┃ ┃     ┗ 📂com
 ┃ ┃       ┗ 📂bancolombia
 ┃ ┃         ┗ 📂certificacion
 ┃ ┃           ┗ 📂[principalPackage]
 ┃ ┃             ┣ 📂exceptions
 ┃ ┃             ┣ 📂integrations
 ┃ ┃             ┣ 📂interactions
 ┃ ┃             ┣ 📂models
 ┃ ┃             ┣ 📂questions
 ┃ ┃             ┣ 📂tasks
 ┃ ┃             ┃ ┣ 📜[Rest].java
 ┃ ┃             ┃ ┣ 📜[Ux].java

Generate Pipeline

The generatePipeline | gpl task will generate CI/CD pipeline inside root project, this task has two required parameters name and type

  • name = NamePipeline: This parameter is going to specify the name of the pipeline. field is required
  • type = azure: This parameter is going to specify the pipeline type. field is required
  gradle generatePipeline --name=pipelineCi --type=[type Pipeline] 
  gradle gpl --name=pipelineCi --type=[typePipeline] 
Reference for pipelineType Name
azure Azure Pipeline
   ┣ 📜build.gradle
   ┣ 📜[name]_Build.gradle
   ┗ 📜settings.gradle

Generate Critical Root

The generateCriticalRoot | gcr task will generate the Json file that containing the critical path feature, this task has two required parameters features and language

  • componentName = component_name_test: This parameter specify the project component name field is optional
  • features = featureroot: This parameter specify the feature root and name to extract the scenario separate for comma. field is required
  • language = languageFeature: This parameter specify the language used in the Gherkin language into the feature file. field is required
  gradle generateCriticalRoot --componentName=component_test --features=root/feature_one, root/feature_two --language=EN 
  gradle gcr --componentName=component_test --features=root/feature_one, root/feature_two --language=EN
Reference for language Name
EN English
ES Spanish

How can I help?

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Whats Next?

Read more About ScreenPlay Architecure


Screenplay Architecture is a plugin that enables the creation of structured projects used for REST and UX test automation.




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