This is a development gentoo overlay mainly for testing purpose.
Some packages presented here are already placed in Gentoo portage tree or in Gentoo Guru overlay.
The rest ebuilds are experimental.
If versions/revisions of package are presented in Gentoo portage tree or in Gentoo Guru overlay then please prefer them over ebuilds from this overlay.
- app-doc/cantera-docs - Documentation API reference for Cantera package libraries
- dev-util/codeblocks - The open source, cross platform, free C, C++ and Fortran IDE
- sci-libs/cantera - Object-oriented tool suite for chemical kinetics, thermodynamics, and transport
- app-text/ford - Automatic documentation generator for modern Fortran programs
- app-misc/doublecmd-bin - Free cross platform open source file manager with two panels side by side
- dep-python/markdown-include - Syntax which allows for inclusion of contents of other Markdown docs
- dep-python/sphinxcontrib-katex - KaTeX Sphinx extension for rendering of math in HTML pages
- dev-libs/StringiFor - Strings Fortran Manipulator, yet another strings Fortran module
- dev-libs/fortran-stdlib - A community driven standard library for (modern) Fortran
- dev-build/FoBiS - A Fortran Building System for poor men
- dev-util/eclipse-parallel-bin - Eclipse IDE for Scientific Computing (C, C++, Fortran)
- dev-build/fypp - Python powered Fortran preprocessor
- dev-vcs/lazygit - A simple terminal UI for git commands
- media-gfx/WebPlotDigitizer-bin - Web based tool to extract data from plots, images, and maps
- x11-libs/gtk-fortran - A GTK+ binding to build Graphical User Interfaces in Fortran
- dev-util/fortranproject - FortranProject plugin for Code::Blocks IDE (non-live "dev-util/codeblocks[fortran]::gentoo" has this plugin)
- sci-libs/pyarma - PyArmadillo: linear algebra library for Python that is relied on Armadillo
- sci-mathematics/scilab-bin - Open source software for numerical computation