description | cover | coverY |
Enabling a new use-case for the web3 ecosystem. |
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It's been hard to spend your tokens.
Our protocol is about enabling an easy and seamless way for web3 users to spend via gift cards, airtime top-ups, bill payments, in-game items, digital goods, and any other fulfillable product or service. We do this with a set of smart contracts that register and route user spend requests to the corresponding fulfiller to make the request whole.
- Protocol Architecture: Know how the protocol works
- Use Cases: The power of thousands of products for your product
- Terminology: Get familiar with our protocol
- Get started with the API: The power of thousands of products for your product
- Authentication: Enable spending in minutes
- Guides: Enable spending in minutes
- Get Available Products: Enable spending in minutes
- Get a Payment Reference: Enable spending in minutes
- Validate a payment reference: Enable spending in minutes
- Get a Quote: Enable spending in minutess