an image manipulation tool for ruby and gosu
TexPlay version 0.4.3
Gem installation:
- sudo gem install texplay
How to build the gems? (maintainers only)
Install rake-compiler (
Install 1.9.1 and 1.8.6 mingw ruby versions (instructions above)
Type (on Linux/OSX to build fat Win32 binary):
rake cross native gem RUBY_CC_VERSION=1.8.6:1.9.1
Upload new gems to rubyforge and gemcutter.
How to build from source?
- rake compile
- rake19 compile (assuming this is the name of your 1.9.1 version of rake)
NB: be sure to run the version of rake that corresponds to the ruby version you wish to use! on my system I use rake19 for ruby 1.9.1!
If all goes well, run the example programs:
cd examples
ruby example_melt.rb
ruby example_simple.rb
like any gosu application, must be in the current directory (or the gosu gem installed) when running the examples.
- (Windows only) Freeglut [Freeglut Copyright]