mkdir ~/.vim
git clone git:// ~/.vim
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
ln -s ~/.vim/.vimrc ~/.vimrc
vim +BundleInstall +qall
On Windows, use ~/vimfiles instead of ~/.vim and ~/_vimrc instead of ~/.vimrc.
The default color scheme is Smyck, which looks best with the corresponding terminal theme installed as well.
Other available (awesome) colorschemes:
- jellybeans
- skittles_dark
- molokai
- wombat256mod
maps to:
: Disable mouse editing/line numbers for copy paste,c<space>
: Toggle comments,e
: Open file in new tab,l
: Toggle NERDTree,ig
: Toggle indentation guide,k
: Syntax-check the current file,p
: Disable mouse support for copying,o
: Open file,s
: Split window,t
: New tab,w
: Close tabkj
: Switch to normal mode and saveCtrl+{h,j,k,l}
: Move among windows