This repository collects some code examples from different personal projects. The given sources may not be complete i.e. they cannot be compiled/executed/... as is. Nevertheless, they provide an insight to some of the projects more interesting areas.
Goal for this project was to implement a password manager. Each login can be grouped into a category, while both entities provide the default CRUD operations.
The excerpt contains examples from the backend (login entity, S3 image handling), frontend (login form, API-services, entity-list) and an overview of Keycloak and Kubernetes configuration.
Backend: Java, Spring Boot, Hibernate/JPA, Lombok, AssertJ/Mockito
Frontend: Angular, TypeScript, HTML, (S)CSS, Bootstrap
Misc: Keycloak, AWS S3, Docker, Kubernetes
Here, a simple Watchlist was implemented for the (now defunct) Anime streaming service AnimeOnDemand,
as part of an Android app. Each entry could be manually marked with a colour. General filters (movie/show, genre)
and sorting possibilities (watched, added-on, ...) were provided as well. The list was persisted locally.
To display additional information or using features already provided by the service, an In-App-Browser was used.
Frontend: Flutter, Dart, SQL (Moor), Android Misc: DOM crawling