NMEA 0183 XDR Sensors on esp32 m5stack atomS3-lite via GPIO
No soldering required. Connect sensors to i2c or specified GPIO pins. Load firmware to atomS3-lite. (On Bareboat Necessites OS it's just copy-paste of a script, see below). Plug and play.
- m5stack atomS3-lite: https://shop.m5stack.com/products/atoms3-lite-esp32s3-dev-kit
- m5stack ATOMIC PortABC Extension Base: https://shop.m5stack.com/products/atomic-portabc-extension-base
- Grove to StemmaQT Cables for i2c, or StemmaQT to Dupont
- Grove T-Connector https://shop.m5stack.com/products/grove-t-connector-5pcs-a-pack
- Grove2Dupont Conversion Cable https://shop.m5stack.com/products/grove2dupont-conversion-cable-20cm-5pairs
(There are 3 kinds of connector different sensor could use: m5stack Grove, Adafruit Stemma QT, SparkFun Qwiic)
Integration with SignalK is done via NMEA XDR Parser SignalK plugin.
More: https://github.com/GaryWSmith/xdr-parser-plugin
Recommended config file for XDR Parser SignalK plugin:
PIR Motion Sensor (AS312) connected to M5Stack AtomS3-Lite via GPIO digital pin (see gpio_pir_as312.h code for pin assignment)
White 'IN^' goes to the digital GPIO pin of m5Atom.
Generates NMEA-0183 XDR sentences (USB Serial) like this:
M5Stack PIR Motion Sensor (AS312)
Can detect a walrus on your boat or someone else :)
M5Stack Limit Switch connected to M5Stack AtomS3-Lite via GPIO digital pin (see gpio_limit_switch.h code for pin assignment)
Generates NMEA-0183 XDR sentences (USB Serial) like this:
M5Stack Limit Switch
Used for detecting a hatch state (open/closed), etc
M5Stack with AtomS3-Lite and Ocean TDS CQRobot (Total Dissolved Solids) Meter Sensor CQRSENTDS01 to NMEA-0183.
Connected to GPIO pin G7 as analog input.
Generates NMEA-0183 XDR sentences (USB Serial) like this:
Total Dissolved Solids in ppt (Parts per Thousand):
ppm = ppt * 1000
The ideal TDS level for drinking water is 300–500 ppm, while 500 ppm is the maximum recommended by the EPA. Water with a TDS level above 1,000 ppm is not considered safe to drink, and levels above 2,000 ppm may require a filtration system.
In order to measure the resistance you can measure voltage using ADC (analog) input esp32 pin on a voltage divider circuit.
Voltage divider circuit consists of:
- Resistor of a known resistance
- Sensor's resistor for which resistance is to be measured
- Known reference voltage (3.3v for esp32 case) applied to those two resistors connected in series
Voltage is measured on ADC (analog) input pin of esp32 connected in between those two resistors.
Ohm Law can be used to calculate unknown resistance from voltage drop (knowing reference voltage and reference resistor resistance)
There are two kinds of configurations for this circuit:
Either the variable resistor is close to GND (DOWNSTREAM) or it is closer to VCC (UPSTREAM).
esp32 ADC is not the best:
- The ESP32 has two 12-bit ADCs
- Noisy (can be corrected by statistical sampling which will reduce sampling rate for accurate measurements)
- Non-linear (can be corrected by polynomial approximation)
- Almost ignores ranges < 0.14v and > 2.6v
- The ESP32 ADC can measure voltage levels between 0 V and 3.3 V. The measured voltage is assigned a value between 0 and 4095, with 0 V corresponding to 0 and 3.3 V corresponding to 4095
- ADCs in the esp32 have an attenuator stage at their inputs; the suggested range for 11Db attenuation is 2600mV at best (even though the ADC's range is 0-3.3v)
- However, the output can be made accurate to within 1% on input range of 0.14 to 2.6 volts
There are two types of commonly used resistance based sensors:
- European 0-190 ohms range (often 10-180 ohms working range)
- American Standard 240-33 ohms
- Fuel level (10-180 Ohm or 0-190 Ohm range)
- Oil pressure
- Rudder position (10-180 Ohms)
- Trim
- Resistive Temperature Sensors
Constraints for selecting a reference resistor size for these types of sensors:
Appropriate sizes are (in Ohms):
Pick up resistor with lower % tolerance.
NMEA 0183 is on USB serial with baud rate of 38400
Example sentences:
There are numerous ready made voltage divider PCBs. Look for
- Grove Voltage Divider with adjustable gain
- DFRobot DFR0051 Voltage Divider
- Phidgets 1121 Voltage Divider
Load and your sensor need to share common ground.
NMEA XDR Sentences:
Generates NMEA-0183 XDR sentences (USB Serial) like this:
Here are some TVOC levels and their associated health effects:
- 0 ppb: Good
- 220 ppb: Moderate, may cause some symptoms
- 660 ppb: Unhealthy if sensitive, more likely to cause symptoms
- 2200 ppb: Unhealthy
- 3300 ppb: Very unhealthy
- 4400 ppb: Hazardous
SGP30 Air Quality and TVOC sensor :
M5Stack SGP30 Air Quality and TVOC sensor
Time-of-Flight Distance Ranging Sensor Unit (VL53L0X) sensor connected to M5Stack AtomS3-Lite via i2c
Generates NMEA-0183 XDR sentences (USB Serial) like this:
Time-of-Flight Distance Ranging Sensor Unit (VL53L0X) sensor :
Bosch BME680 Sensor to NMEA 0183 via i2c
Connected to M5Stack AtomS3-Lite via i2c
- Air Pressure
- Air Temperature
- Humidity
- Gas Electrical Resistance
Generates NMEA-0183 XDR sentences (USB Serial) like this:
Bosch BME680 with Temperature Humidity Air Pressure Sensor:
M5Stack Analog to I2C Unit (4-20mA Input) connected to M5Stack AtomS3-Lite via i2c
Can be used with many industrial 4-20 mAmps current sensors.
- Tank level
Generates NMEA-0183 XDR sentences (USB Serial) like this:
Analog to I2C Unit 4-20mA Input (STM32G030)
Would be useful for fluid level sensors like this one:
https://www.amazon.com/4-20mA-Liquid-Sensor-Throw-Sensors/dp/B07WDK2PRN (Two wires from that sensor connect to IN+ and IN- on M5Stack Unit and on same terminal the current loop need to be powered from some DC power source)
M5Stack Voltmeter unit connected to M5Stack AtomS3-Lite via i2c
Generates NMEA-0183 XDR sentences (USB Serial) like this:
The code is set up to measure 12 V circuits. You can easily modify it for other voltage ranges.
M5Stack Voltmeter unit:
M5Stack DLight illuminance sensor connected to M5Stack AtomS3-Lite via i2c
Generates NMEA-0183 XDR sentences (USB Serial) like this:
M5Stack DLight illuminance sensor :
Connected via i2c
on USB-C port with baud rate 38400
stty -F /dev/ttyACM1 38400
socat stdio /dev/ttyACM1
# shutdown signalk
sudo systemctl stop signalk
if [ -f bbn-flash-m5-gpio.sh ]; then rm bbn-flash-m5-gpio.sh; fi
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bareboat-necessities/my-bareboat/refs/heads/master/m5stack-tools/bbn-flash-m5-gpio.sh
chmod +x bbn-flash-m5-gpio.sh
./bbn-flash-m5-gpio.sh -p /dev/ttyACM1